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Throughout his entire life, a person is faced with grief and loss, some were affected at an early stage of life, others were not spared at a more mature age, when the psyche is no longer so defenseless. Our life is woven from losses, bereavements and the reaction of our mental system to one or another event is completely different and individual. Grief, as a psychological term, is defined as a reaction to the loss of a significant object, part of personal identity. And also as the loss of the familiar world, way of life, expected and planned future. Grief and loss are often synonymous. In this case, the loss can be temporary (separation, departure, restrictions) and permanent (death, deprivation of something forever) (classification according to K. Izard). Loss can also be real, imaginary, physical, psychological. Let's consider the areas of loss more in detail: Physical - when we are at the epicenter of pain, it is intense and localized. We are talking about the loss of organs, parts of the body, damage has been caused to health, most often not replenished. Intellectual - a person’s idea of ​​himself, his state of health, the reasons for the loss or damage are distorted. Emotional - reaction to a diagnosis, the fact of death. It can manifest itself in various reactions and actions - anger, irritation, rage, laughter, confusion, aggression, etc. Strong-willed - part of the internal resources and abilities to overcome and accept sad news is lost. There is no opportunity for active living through the grieving period. The resource for social and personal change is not realized. Spiritual - loss of the meaning of life or part of it, the experience of loneliness, fear, disappointment, anger. The stages of grief and loss are completely different for everyone, they are sometimes difficult to fit into any specific scheme, temporary framework, but still common features exist. The pain of loss is accompanied by shock, sooner or later it will be followed by numbness and denial. Which in turn will be accompanied by some kind of emotional outbursts. Be it anger, fear, anger. Sometimes a person cannot escape disorganization, panic and guilt. Loneliness and isolation also accompany the stages of grief. Depression and returning feelings of anxiety “color all mental activity.” Sometimes a lot of time must pass before a person has new strength, new relationships. Hope for a new life is always very timid. If there are people nearby to live for, new meanings for existence appear. Where a person, having lost, will be able to help others, establish new examples, adapt to new conditions of his life. Grief associated with death is always accompanied by grief. For a person, mourning begins as an external manifestation of grief. It can take various forms. Including crying, talking about the deceased, celebrating memorable dates and anniversaries. This is the most important empathic process in which significant people are involved. Severe mental suffering accompanies this period of grief. Mental relief, which will be replaced by deep sadness, melancholy, melancholy, may not come soon. All this may be accompanied by a refusal to eat anything, self-care, talking, or a desire for isolation. Physiological processes such as sleep are sometimes disrupted, and any activity decreases. This is accompanied by strong emotional reactions or their blocking. Such as sobbing, wailing, screaming, crying or silence, coldness, detachment, freezing. Types of grief can also be divided into child, marital, parental. Childhood grief is characterized by difficulties in comprehending the loss and severe stress due to the lack of adequate psychological defenses. Marital grief is a reaction to the loss of the closest person and, as a result, is loaded with many complex feelings. Parental grief, the deepest, most intense, is perceived as an unnatural event. It is experienced for a particularly long time, usually with a strong feeling of indignation, injustice, protest, guilt, denial, depression. Leaves a non-repairable wound, healing is impossible,.
