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The importance of creativity cannot be overestimated. Since ancient times, people have been creative. In this article I want to talk in more detail about how it affects our emotional state. Creativity is an activity that results in the creation of something new and unique. This is the implementation of thought in the outside world, your vision, the creation of spiritual values. Science confirms the benefits of the creative process. People who are creative are able to think more creatively, are resistant to stress, and find solutions to non-standard problems more easily. Creativity brings joy, inspires, and gives peace. Studies have shown that during creative activities, the stress hormone cortisol decreases and the hormone dopamine, which is responsible for pleasant sensations, is produced. Creating something new improves brain function and mental health. Creativity and art give us new experiences, positive emotions, and a state of happiness. They develop the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for the emotional sphere.❕The level of training does not matter. You can just start doing something or be already a professional in some business, it doesn’t matter, the process itself is important! Try not to think about the result and enjoy the process. Don't be afraid to fail, there are no rules in creativity. This could be handicrafts, jewelry making, drawing, sculpting - anything! What do you like best? You can try different activities and choose those that you like. 🎨Creativity is the expression of your emotions. There is such a direction in psychotherapy - art therapy, it helps to solve psychological problems with the help of creativity and art. If you are sad, try doing what you love and see how much your condition changes.⚠️If you have been sad and anxious for a long time, and your favorite activities do not bring you joy, this is a reason to consult a psychologist and figure out the reasons. Psychoanalysis considers creativity as the ability to create something - something new and original. This ability uses as its source the released psychic energy concentrated in the unconscious area. If in everyday life a person tends to follow consciously made decisions, then in creativity his breakthrough into the area of ​​freedom and fantasy occurs. Advantages of creativity:✅Improves health✅Regulates emotional state✅Develops creative thinking✅Increases resistance to stress✅Helps solve non-standard problems✅Improves brain power activity✅Provides an opportunity for self-expression and self-realization✅Gives confidenceCreativity shapes mental and spiritual health. Makes life more interesting and fulfilling. Share what kind of creativity you do?
