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I have been practicing in the teenage niche for 16 years. I felt the greatest concern about the result of my work when I moved into private practice. Like many psychologists, I was very worried about the question - will the client be satisfied with the result of my work? Yes, I was not one percent sure whether my clients would benefit from training with me. And even more, my uncertainty was reinforced by not knowing how to properly share responsibility for the result with the client. How to show a client that not everything depends on me? Over 16 years of psychological practice, the answers came to me gradually. I like to experiment in my work. I like to make discoveries and create new methods of consulting. And most of all, when working with a client, I like predictability. For my peace of mind and confidence, I need a clear work plan. I first need to understand for myself how and with what I will help the client solve his request, and then start working with the client. And when I myself am confident in the outcome of the case, my confidence and order in my work are transferred to the client. This increases his confidence in me as a master. My favorite niche is correction of adolescent behavior. But I don’t work directly with teenagers. I am very impressed by working with parents. In this direction, I have created a whole system of 15 classes. And I chose a very appropriate name for this system - “Cross-coaching”. I am still amazed at how well even the most complex cases of adolescent behavior are resolved with this system. This is not psychotherapeutic counseling. Here I do not work with the client’s feelings and states. This is short-term substantive counseling. The work is carried out with the “subject” - the child’s problematic behavior. At the same time, the psychologist has no direct contact with the child! Because all the work is done with one of the parents. This is the uniqueness of my author’s approach to counseling, that after working with one of the parents, positive changes in the behavior of the child/teenager are consolidated for many years. With cross-coaching tools, correcting children’s behavior is one thing pleasure. This is because through working with parents you have a beneficial effect on the entire family atmosphere of the client, including the child’s behavior. It is believed that the teenage niche is the most difficult for the practice of counseling. I will prove that this is not so! Register for the master group online: https://www.crosscoaching.ru/web
