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Being angry, experiencing aggression, hatred, walking on the edge of a knife, being in danger, using drugs is just a way to avoid true feelings and experiences. Escaping into aggression fills life with color. Freud spoke about the special term “craving for repetition.” It is as if we are artificially recreating our feelings that we had in painful events in our lives and past experiences. In order to unconsciously gain control over an unpleasant situation and thereby satisfy the need of the brain, our feelings will be seen, lived and we will be able to solve this problem. Many traumatized people seem to strive to feel something that usually repels most people. Anger, aggression, hatred. We often complain about the emptiness inside and the boredom that fills us when we are not angry, not subject to violence, pressure or walking on the edge of danger. Fear, perversion and pain are sometimes transformed into pleasure in the most perverse way. Withdrawal syndrome is triggered in the psyche. Unlived trauma begs to be repeated. Pain and strong emotions are mistaken for pleasure. There is a dependence on strong feelings, and subsequently we are ready to artificially create them. Aggression that closes pain is nothing more than a return and compensation for the old situation. Without strong emotions and experiences, it becomes boring. The way out of it will be to work with our feelings and return to what happened to me, living through our own helplessness. While we are in trauma, there is no way out. But one appointment with a psychotherapist is usually not enough. What has been formed over the years and has begun to bring pleasure, the risk of what is happening requires a long time of work. Not everyone is ready, quick pleasure brings results, it is easier to escape into alcohol, drugs or old behavior. For some, this is more familiar and reliable than taking responsibility for one’s life. Our basic package has everything to change the quality of life. Healthy parts of the psyche are ready to help, a language that helps you talk about your desires. We have the opportunity to change the social environment from dangerous and risky to safe. We have the opportunity to take part in our lives by separating the injured part from the healthy part. https://vladimirova.spb.ru/index.php
