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From the author: Published on the website of Leonid Sergeevich Lysenko 04/21/2012 The quality of a car and the quality of family life are one of the key parameters by which the success and happiness of human life is assessed in our society. Let's consider how the average person approaches the choice of a car and a life partner. Formation of an imageBefore choosing a car, we need to decide on its class and functions. It will be a sedan or a station wagon, a small city car or a minibus in which you can travel with a noisy group. With partners for a long and happy life, everything is exactly the same. We first come up with an image of a person in our head who will be the best choice for us. This image serves as a kind of filter that filters out candidates who are definitely not suitable for us. Acquaintance and meeting When buying a car, even before the “first date” with it, the Internet will be scoured for owner reviews, descriptions of technical characteristics, numerous photographs of the interior and exterior. After this correspondence date, we sign up for a test drive and find out whether the car is suitable for us or not. With candidates for partners for a long and happy life together, the situation is completely different - in order to understand whether it is for you or not, a meeting is necessary, and as early as possible . If you don’t like one candidate, you look at the second, third, and so on until you find something that resonates in your heart. However, it is not uncommon for the winner to be not the best candidate, but the one closest to home or the most persistent. Opinions of othersWhen choosing a car, we often rely on the opinions of others. Moreover, the opinion of those who have disassembled the carburetor more than once is important to us and, preferably, they have experience in resolving conflicts with the dealer network. Those “experts” who bought a “not the best” option or crashed their car in the first month are excluded from the list of pros. However, we take advice on a suitable life partner based on completely different criteria. We gladly use the advice of friends who have not been married or have been married more than once (analogy with a car - either they have not been driving or have been in many accidents), but they “won’t give bad advice”! And how do they distinguish bad from good - this question, unfortunately, is not customary to ask in our society. Pedigree As a rule, if a person purchases a product from the “Chinese automobile industry” and after six months of operation it begins to “crumble,” no one has any questions , what's the matter? There is a large sign hanging on the door of the salon; most people know perfectly well what is hidden behind the words “Made in China” - the person understands what he is getting into. In the case of building family relationships, the following situation is not uncommon: they lived together for a year or two, after which they decided to formalize the relationship. To do this, you need to get to know the parents of your future spouse. And there, excuse me, is a “dark forest”. The father either drinks or is not there at all, the mother is an authoritarian person. And it would be nice to give up now, but what about life together happily ever after? “I can’t live with my parents,” they say as an excuse, and, as a rule, this is a mistake. After which all that remains is to exclaim: “You are the same as your father (mother)”! And what should he be like, after all, you saw who his parents are! Personal experience When I was choosing my first car, it was difficult for me. By this time I was already married. There were many things about the choice that confused me and that I didn’t like, but I had a smart advisor who knew about cars. In the end, after spending a month, I bought that very first car and was happy, and a year later I sold it and was happy. After which I bought a new one and so on, because a car is a small part of life, and if you make a mistake with your choice, you won’t lose too much time and money. But when I was choosing a wife, I already had more experience in communicating with the opposite sex. In addition to personal experience of relationships and stories from friends living in happy marriages, there was something else. I have had several trainings on relationships between men and.
