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Group psychotherapy is becoming increasingly popular. It has proven effectiveness and unique group interaction factors. What are the main types of psychotherapeutic groups, what is right for you, what you need to be prepared for, and who should definitely not go to the group? Group psychotherapy is work on changing the personality structure in a group. The composition of the group is approximately from three to twelve people. The goal of therapy is to influence each member of the group, using the resources of the group. There are three main types of group psychotherapy: psychodynamic, existential and cognitive-behavioral group. Let's look at them in order. A psychodynamic group is conducted with the goal of recreating real life, where a person would encounter his reactions and manifestations in a group and would be able to realize and change them. The leader plays the role of an observer, sometimes a participant in the process, if anyone has problems with him - strong emotions (that’s why there are often two leaders in such groups). People in any group are involved in interaction, dynamics occur that strengthen the internal contradictions of each person. Of course, conflicts arise and sore spots become aggravated. You need to be prepared for this. Therefore, participation is contraindicated for people in an unstable emotional state. Even if you are healthy, you need to understand that some moments will be uncomfortable for you, this is part of group therapy. We can say that this is an experiment in which painful symptoms are actualized. An important recommendation is not to make serious decisions during and a couple of months after the end of the group. The existential group is a model of life. The purpose of participating in it is to gain important experience, accept your characteristics and learn to live and realize your goals, despite the circumstances. Often this is a group of gestalt directions. The emphasis is on what is happening here and now with everyone. Group dynamics may be present, but the goal is not there, but for each participant to meet himself, his emotions and learn to realize his goals. The person receives new mental and psychological experience. The facilitator encourages participants to come into contact with what they are avoiding. You also need to be prepared for the fact that you will encounter a certain level of discomfort. The cognitive-behavioral group is aimed at changing personality by developing new thinking and behavior skills, correcting irrational ideas about oneself and others. The goal is to cope with symptoms or reduce the severity of their manifestation. This is the most emotionally safe and gentle type of group, since it dampens group dynamics. The work is structured in such a way that participants help and support each other. The facilitator organizes the process, sets rules, conducts educational work, giving exercises and explaining techniques for working with thoughts and behavior. As a result, participants begin to react differently to problems and receive tools for further independent work on themselves, becoming their own psychologists. I consider a CBT group An ideal option to start with if you do not yet have experience in group psychotherapy and you are worried about your emotional state in a group of strangers. This is the type of group I plan to launch in the near future, since I specialize in cognitive behavioral therapy. This will be a face-to-face group in Irkutsk, once a week for 2 hours, duration - 12 meetings. To participate, you need to write me a message. Dear readers, what type of group is closer to you? Which groups did you take part in and what were the results? Other articles on the topic: 7 main advantages of group therapy Personal experience of group therapy I will be glad to see your “Thank you” and comments! To sign up for an individual psychological consultation, send me a message https://www.b17.ru /tatianapereval/#contact or write to.+79247134881.
