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Have you been dealing with feelings of guilt for a long time? This is a negative emotion that appears in a person due to an action committed that can lead to negative consequences for himself or others. What's going on inside? How to put everything on the shelves? It is not easy to get out of this state on your own; many people get stuck at one of the stages. At first you don’t feel anything like that, it’s difficult to admit that you did something bad. But the worm inside begins to gnaw. Many remain at this stage, fighting the worm. Or move on - blame another person, the circumstances, that you committed such an act. And then the worm lets go for a while, the problem is not solved. You will continue to walk in circles, blaming others for your failures, so as not to notice your own mistakes. Is such a person happy and free? Most likely not, this is the position of the victim. The second stage is to admit your feelings of guilt. This is a big step towards understanding your feelings. Also here you can notice a real feeling of guilt or it was imposed on you from the outside. When others tell you that you are bad and everything is your fault. Although this may not be true. If you can separate the external from the internal, you will be able to set boundaries in your relationships with others. It is difficult to accuse a person of anything if he knows exactly what is acceptable for himself personally and in society as a whole. The last stage is recognizing yourself as alive and imperfect. You can admit yourself guilty, but at the same time torture yourself because you can’t fix anything. Live the past situation, suffer because of it and devote all your energy and time to experiencing it. But if you find the strength in yourself to admit that “yes, I made a mistake, it happens. I’m not perfect, I’m a living person and I don’t know a lot, I can’t predict and foresee everything.” After such an internal dialogue, the strength appears to ensure that -change in your life. You let go of this situation and move on with your life. You are ready to take responsibility for your actions. You are able to ask for forgiveness, it is much more difficult than blaming another person. But it is in responsibility, forgiveness and acceptance that a wise, mature personality lies, rather than in one that gets stuck, blames others and withdraws into itself. What other secrets will help you cope with feelings of guilt? If you really did something bad to someone, admit your guilt and ask forgiveness. If a person is no longer alive, write a letter to this person (to an unborn child too), repent, ask for forgiveness in a letter, then burn the sheet. If you asked for forgiveness, but the person does not want to forgive you, this is his right, you have done everything you could, the time has come to let him go. Forgive yourself, within yourself. Do not allow others to influence you, in the form of imposing feelings of guilt, very often this is a transfer of responsibility to the accused. The feeling of guilt destroys the personality and takes a lot of effort, time and energy to experience it. If you can’t cope with the feeling of guilt on your own, contact us and we’ll figure it out together. Going through these stages together with me is more effective and less painful. I am able to work with such feelings and create a safe space where you can open up.----------------------------—Love, Nechaeva Olga, expert and founder of the projects “To fall in love with a man, to get married”, “I am happy, how to create a loving relationship between husband and wife".
