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Every person has a present state and the one he desires, that is, the desired state. There is an interesting technology called the “Wheel of Life”, which consists of introducing two scales that assess the present and the state and the desired. The “wheel of life” has 8 directions for assessing all areas of a person’s life: career, finance, health, family, friends, personal development, entertainment and recreation, physical environment. The essence of the technology: two scales, the first is from 0 to 10, the well-being of a particular area of ​​​​a person’s life. The second scale is the balance of these areas with each other, that is, it can be monitored whether a person has areas that he pays insufficient attention to or neglects altogether. a). Rate each area of ​​your life at the moment from 0 to 10. How satisfied are you with your finances, health, job, etc. In each of the points, put a dot in accordance with the score received. Go through all areas of your life and connect all the dots. Look what you got.b). Pay attention to the figure that has formed. In this case, we are interested in the circle and its diameter. The correctness of the circle means the balance of your life, the diameter means the well-being of the spheres of life that are considered in this technology. The larger and more regular your circle, the better. What you have received is information about your current condition. Your life is shown here as a system, and you can see where the harmony is disturbed, detect an imbalance.c). Studying the resulting diagram, in relation to each area of ​​your life, ask the question “What do I want?”, in your career, in your health, in your personal relationships. Write down the answers.d). Look at your wish list for each area of ​​your life and analyze how the “wheel of life” will change when you get what you want.d). Place the dots and connect them the same way as the first time. I think you will see changes. And so, you have determined your current state and the preliminary desired one. You have seen that your wheel of life needs balancing and perhaps now you understand why you are not quite happy and productive as you would like. You have a “field of activity” to work with, you know your strengths and weaknesses and you can do your life happier, more successful, more harmonious. Your “wheel” is in your hands, as is your life. I wish you all happiness and success!
