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From the author: The approach to working with the subtle development of a person and the principles that determine the stability of systems when building a business are briefly described. THE GAME OF LIFE Everything in this raging World is ghostly, There is only a moment, hold on to it, There is only a moment , between the past and the future, This is what is called life...Song from the film “Sannikov’s Land” CHILDREN REALLY LOVE TO PLAY. They succeed in everything in games because they themselves establish the RULES of the game. When we grow up, we continue to play “adult” games, but LIFE already sets the rules. These Laws or rules are prescribed in many religions. “Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal,” etc. God endowed man with free will (we make our choices every day, at every moment). Mathematicians, modeling this behavior, represent a person as a nonlinear fractal (particle) of God. As an illustration, let's look at the analogy of a computer, which has become firmly established in business life. We are not interested in how it works - what matters is the result it produces. In case of a system failure, we use an anti-virus program, invite specialists, or try to figure it out ourselves. A person is the same computer, but more advanced, bio-based. Why then, when the human system “fails,” do we act exactly the opposite!? We begin to fight the consequences, and instead of restoring and adjusting the system, we ourselves add chaos, increasing the negativity, because we are “hitting the tails.” “REVIVING A DEAD HORSE” The tool for such correction is traditional: trainings, seminars, meetings, conferences, strategic sessions and brainstorming sessions. The situation is further aggravated by the significant expenditure of resources. But in the process of these activities, the manager does not eliminate the Causes of the problems, since the TOOLKIT is focused on working with the investigation. Distorted Reasons are overwritten, staff values ​​do not change, and qualitative changes do not occur. As practice shows, you need to start with the first person, who will serve as a source of change for all other employees. Only their INTERNAL changes will lead to EXTERNAL success. There are many models for diagnosing and setting up a business. Why do only a few of 100 Harvard MBA graduates become truly successful? Despite the availability and variety of business textbooks, few can apply this knowledge in practice. The question is why? TO KNOW AND BE ABLE TO ARE DIFFERENT THINGS. Even if a person is able to psychologically perceive the entire flow of information, he must still become a professional practitioner, have his own business and be in demand. For effective process management, the “Practice of Change” Model has been developed. The Method of “Diagnostics and correction of a person’s functional state” has been working and developing for more than 15 years. The method was developed by MAEN (Moscow Academy of Energy Information Sciences, V.P. Gocha School), which is used by PSS (cause-and-effect) centers in Russia. The “Practice of Change” model was formed as a synthesis of the best practical developments in this area. The essence of the Method is diagnostics and restoring the BALANCE of the System. Some owners do not even think about the importance of their IMAGE, which is further embodied by the Team. It's hard to see the curvature when you're "inside" the process. In this case, the distortion and the way out rarely become obvious - a “mirror”, an outside view, the work of a specialist are needed. The model identified the basic Principles of the viability of systems: The owner (first person) must decide on his VISION. How does he see his business? Where should his business go? Why does he need all this? And, based on these criteria, make a DECISION and create an INTENTION. Dreams are manifested by emotions, excess potentials and in this form do not come true. The Model has developed a special method for forming intentions. A person in the physical body is a projection of his mentality, all those subtle records of Causes that he creates with thought and decision. And the Method of “Working with a person to improve his functional state” can help him with this. The foundations of business longevity are laid in subtle records.
