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Of course, the terms “malignant narcissist” and “malignant narcissism” are not diagnoses; rather, they are a category, a type. Erich Fromm in 1964 described malignant narcissism as a personality that combines arrogance, antisocial behavior and hostility. He gave this phenomenon a vivid and convincing description of “the quintessence of evil.” A malignant narcissist is one who has a combination of features of narcissistic, antisocial, paranoid and sadistic personality disorders. That is, this is a typical narcissist, but even more aggressive, cruel and dangerous. Naturally, each case will have its own mix of traits, an emphasis on certain manifestations. Here are the signs that, when combined, reveal a malignant narcissist: 1) Developed grandiosity Inflated conceit, self-confidence, arrogance, self-obsession. Often this is not confirmed by any real results or value for society of such a person. He or she simply believes that he/she is the best, that everyone should admire and worship him/her. 2) Tendency to dominate Prefers the position of “on top” in most lines of communication. Orders, accuses, criticizes, imposes his decisions on others. Recognizes only his own opinion. 3) Obsession with his/her own power. Such a narcissist constantly needs worship, admiration, recognition of his/her merits. In particular, he takes this attention quite assertively and aggressively. 4) Serious problems with empathy He does not particularly know how, and does not consider it necessary, to empathize with others, to join emotionally. Avoids close emotional contact. 5) Superficial connections and hobbies Often changes tastes and preferences. Everything quickly becomes boring and uninteresting to him. He does a lot at the top, transfers responsibility to others. 6) Harsh use of other people Uses other people in his own interests. Often he is not even embarrassed to admit it. Moreover, he is proud of this and sees in this a manifestation of his exclusivity. 7) Aggressiveness, anger and vindictiveness Tends to provoke quarrels, create scandals, and develop hostility. They act cruelly, peremptorily.8) Sadism They themselves cause pain, moral and/or physical. Tend to humiliate and suppress other people. Watching a person suffer. many manipulative lines and “training” of the partner are built using punishment and bullying. 9) Extremely distrustful and suspicious Does not treat people with special love, immediately sees dark sides in almost everyone (in fact, these are his projections). Arranges inspections and persecution. Often it makes the life of those around you simply unbearable. 10) A lot of lies and deception After some time, you may come to the bitter conclusion that you still haven’t understood where the truth is and where the lies are. That they never understood what kind of person was next to you. 11) Manipulativeness Like any narcissist, such a person is inclined to manipulate. The malignant narcissist is very manipulative. Such a person does not disdain threats, blackmail, forgery, and setups. 12) Promiscuous relationships Prone to cheating, easily makes contacts, and also easily breaks up with unwanted ones. Do not overestimate your capabilities and the strength of your love. You shouldn’t think that you will warm such a person with your warmth, that you will be patient a little longer and things will get better. Unfortunately, such individuals often refuse to see problems in themselves. It’s easier for them to attract more and more new resources into their lives and somehow hold on due to this. Vera Bokareva, psychologist, psychotherapist, sexologist, doctor of social sciences. Sign up for a consultation: WhatsApp / Viber / Telegram: +7-963- 231-37-12 / verabo.ru
