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Nowadays a certain cult of youth rules the entire civilized world. If you are a woman, then you are either 18-20, or you are already an aunt (read: crossed off from the list of representatives of the fair sex and you only have the right to carry bags of food home, take children to clinics and cause scandals in the parent committee, and babysit grandchildren ), or grandma... and your place is at the entrance, washing the bones of the girls, or early in the morning on the bus, stuffing passengers with the same bags. There is no fourth option, and this is sad. It’s sad that this approach has given rise to a bunch of diseases, ranging from neuroses with depression and ending with global stagnation in society. People lose themselves, their values, ideals in all this turmoil, they get sick mentally... And if the body can be maintained in a young state, using modern cosmetology, then what happens to our psyche ?Let's figure it out! Today our guest is age dynamics, with her we will discuss the topic of human life cycles and age-related crises. So, a baby is born, he doesn’t know anything about this world, and for the first 12-13 years, he will get to know him, find out what dad’s shoes taste like, the cat’s tail, find out that the cat has claws, and he hates his own tail it won’t let you find out that you can’t just pick up a toy you like in a store, it needs to be exchanged for money, and money needs to be counted and this is taught in tedious mathematics lessons... time passes, and by the age of 13, the child turns into a teenager, no , this is not a scare for parents “here comes adolescence, you’ll dance,” this is a period of active socialization of a person. He has already learned to deal with the material world, now he is learning to deal with people, looking for his place among them, trying out the boundaries in communication, and in general, the world is in shambles. Sooner or later (a lot depends on the parents here), the rebellion ends, and the person begins an active creative period. In modern realities, the initial limit of this period lies within 25-28 years. Starting from this age, a person becomes a creator, he changes the world in accordance with his idea of ​​it, starting with little things - the furnishings in the room, continuing with the birth and raising of children (there is a lot of creation there, our old age will pass in a world that will be ruled our children and our future depends on how we raise them), continuing - by painting pictures, designing airplanes, changing fashion trends and rewriting the history and destinies of people.... Creativity is underway. At this stage, mistakes happen, a person encounters obstacles, starts everything from scratch,.. one way or another, achieving what you want. And then, the moment comes when everything becomes the way you want it to be (our psyche is designed for the fact that such a moment will come, and if you didn’t dig for your productive age there, you will certainly encounter a strong decline in energy, called a midlife crisis). All your groundwork and achievements become your springboard, which works on its own. Health and energy are becoming less, it is already difficult to actively create, children have grown up... this is a period of rest, a period of achievements, a period of rewards for the efforts invested. The time has come not to constantly babysit your grandchildren and not to get a second job (otherwise, your daughter got married, they need to help pay the mortgage), but to relax, enjoy life, and train the successors of your business. Thus, you will give an example to your children about why they need to change the world and create. During this period, accumulated experience and knowledge is accumulated, everything is rethought, this is the time to draw conclusions about your achievements and mistakes, and life will be in this for you actively help. From the height of this knowledge, you can easily correct and refine what requires this correction and refinement... be it work issues or family relationships. This period is like a stop after a fast race and therefore is often lived through traumatically. Here, it is important to feel yourself and begin to slow down in time and enter the creative period into a period of comprehension and achievement. Is it not that
