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I have been studying the psychosomatics of allergies for quite a long time, in 95% of cases it is precisely psychosomatics, but this is not so and is not always obvious to people. At one time we did a test for psychosomatics, it works with a bang and people they immediately understand whether it is it or not. It’s cool to understand this in 5-10 minutes?! This is precisely why I like to work with the psychosomatics of allergies. It is our head that causes allergy symptoms. That is, it is not the body that does this, but our thoughts, ideas, fears, and doubts. They cause a state, and already the state triggers the body’s reaction. I often give the following example: In the lives of many people there was a case when, from strong excitement, before an important task, an exam, an interview, the stomach was twisting and you wanted to go to the toilet, in a small or large way, this and there is psychosomatics. When our thoughts cause a state, and it is a reaction in the body, a physical reaction. Another example. When they start shouting or scolding a person in public. Many people have also encountered this in their lives, or at least seen it from the outside. The person turns red and white. In general, the complexion changes. Here, too, you can see that something from the outside triggers thoughts and the person’s physical parameters change. It’s not just the pressure that has risen, but it’s his thoughts about himself or others that have caused the body’s reaction. So it’s the same with allergies. Yes, the mechanism is more complicated, there are conditioned reflexes, fixed reactions and an initial stimulus, but in general it is psychosomatics. The initial stimulus starts the chain, a strong conditioned reflex arises, an allergen (orange or cat) - an allergy (symptom, runny nose, itching), and then remains It’s just a conditioned reflex, so you can get rid of it quickly enough. By the way, I described it more fully in my other article “Allergy. How it is formed.” Of course, there are some points that are difficult to describe in one article (maybe it’s time to write a book about allergies?!), but in general everything is really simple. How can you understand if this is definitely psychosomatics? Very simple, I have something for that the test, it is simple and step-by-step, you can do it in 5-10 minutes, write to me in any messenger or here on the website and I will send it to you. Be healthy!
