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Adaptation to kindergarten September is just around the corner, and soon the children will return to kindergarten again. For many, after the summer break, adaptation will begin again, and it does not always happen without tears and hysterics. How to prepare your child BEFORE entering kindergarten? ▪️bring your child’s routine as close as possible to the routine in the kindergarten itself, this applies to sleep and food (if your the child is used to waking up at 10, and in kindergarten you wake him up at 7.30, he, of course, will associate kindergarten with something unpleasant);▪️tell the child in advance where he will go, what he will do there, who he will be there with ( the more detail you tell about the routine, rules and how much fun he will have there, the better);▪️get the child interested (tell him about a large number of new toys, peer friends and interesting activities that will be there)▪️set the child up for a positive attitude (but most importantly - yourself! Your child in kindergarten will be safe, warm, among his peers, this is a new stage for which he is already ready - just let him go!) ▪️ tell your child when you return (and it’s better not to do this in time, the child navigates everyday situations - “you take a walk, eat - and I’ll come”). When you arrive at the kindergarten itself, try to part with the child quickly, even if he starts crying, you’re unlikely to calm him down, he’ll only spend more time in stressful situation, remember that children are situational, the child may cry at the moment you leave, but a minute later he will play and completely forget about you - and this is normal for him! At the very beginning of visiting kindergarten, you can give your child his favorite toy with him so that he has something familiar next to him. After illness and absence from kindergarten for more than a couple of days, adaptation will begin again, so at the very beginning it is better not to miss kindergarten without good reason; stability and consistency of attendance are important. Each child adapts differently, some need more time, some less. At first, try to spend as much time as possible with your baby outside of kindergarten, support him and be there for him. The main thing to remember is that the mother’s calm and confidence that the child is happy there, the absence of anxiety is the most important thing for the calm and easy adaptation of your baby! Author: Olga Moruchkova
