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One of the film techniques for increasing the intensity of emotions, especially in films about sports, is to create for the hero such life circumstances in which he begins to get angry, and having reached the boiling point, he does what - something that leads him to victory. There is a lot of truth in such a scenario. Anger is the fuel on which you can effectively move towards the desired result. If a person spends most of his life playing the roles of “white and fluffy”, then at some point among his “friends” he will see depression, unfulfillment, loss and resentment. Anger is a beautiful an emotion that is an indicator that a person is not satisfied with the current state of affairs. This is a call to pay attention and understand the essence of the matter. Paradoxically, “white and fluffy” only consider themselves such; in reality, they often show aggression, but usually passive. It can manifest itself in the form of condemnation, complaints, imposition of food, guilt, lifestyle. Such a manifestation of blocked anger does not “ease the soul” because this anger does not find the proper response. For example, a person is in an angry mood because he has not received satisfaction your need, whatever it is - food, sex, sleep, attention, wages. But he transfers his anger to a safer object - the waiter, children, neighbors in the subway car. Accordingly, they cannot share with the person the real reason for his anger. Anger remains expressed in the form of irritation with people, it may even result in conflict, but the essence of the matter will remain packaged. In the future, blocked anger, like all packaged emotions, affects the emergence of neuroses, depression and other disorders. A lot can be done with the energy of anger, not just to quarrel with neighbors or sellers. Something creative may well come out. But this energy potential can be released from such hot energy and directed to creation in a completely different way - out of love, care, attention. Acting on adrenaline, a person spends a large amount of energy, as a result of which the body wears out. A more environmentally friendly approach is an analysis of the reasons for the formation of suppressed anger, which can be provided in a therapeutic conversation. Comprehensive coaching program “Spherical Development” Practice of brain activation
