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From the author: Additional material for the articles: “Drawing analysis? K. G. Jung will help you!”. Organization of the drawing. Ordering is the opposite of chaos. Followers of K.G. Jung talks about two main ways of organizing things. - In accordance with the constellation of the unconscious. - Without corresponding to it. In this case, the basis of “order” in the drawing will be symmetry, proportions, and so on. Rational reasons for order. What is important for us is that by the relationship of the ordering elements of the picture, we, as interpreters of it, can understand whether this order is consistent with the unconscious or not. 1.1. Ordering in accordance with the unconscious. Gives the impression of harmony and interconnection of the elements of the picture. Such a pattern may reflect an ego that does not need to defend itself. However, (remember the counter-hypothesis), such a pattern may be compensation for the chaos of the unconscious. T. Abt pays special attention to the image of the Mandala. It would seem - the most harmonious image, an ideal figure (circle). The whole point is that “a mandala is like a magical formula in which the unconscious puts forward a new conscious attitude that exactly corresponds to the integrity of the psychic background” [T. Abt]. 1.2. Ordering that does not correspond to the unconscious. The drawing gives the impression of the need to maintain firm order. Necessity can be dictated by fear, obsession, or compulsion. This order is “controlling”. Fences, bars, and other barriers may indicate fear generated by the autonomous complex. This order reflects only ego-consciousness, and not the entirety of the personality. And (remember the counter-hypothesis), such an order may reflect the struggle against the destructive contents of the unconscious. Fight at the ego level.1.3. Absent organization, weak organization. Mixing of self-expressions of the ego and the unconscious. Proportion. Proportion tells how the energy is located in the picture. What is important, what is in the shadows. Particular attention should be paid to the format of the sheet of paper. A tall tower located on a sheet of paper in a landscape (landscape) orientation may indicate life limitations and force majeure circumstances that do not correspond to the ambitions of the author of the drawing. Movement. Shows where and how strongly the energy “fountains” in the drawing. Movement is the emotionally charged aspect of the drawing. (Movere – movement [lat.]). Movement is an indication of the development of events. Therefore, an indication of plans for the future. Movement to the left side of the picture indicates development towards introversion, regression, restoration of what was lost in the past. Movement to the right side of the picture. Extraversion, focus on development in the outside world. Movement can be shown with arrows or other visual means. Movement can occur in the center of the picture. At the same time, be directed both clockwise and counterclockwise. Clockwise (soling) - consolidation of the center and progression in consciousness. Holy places are bypassed with salt; this is enshrined in our genetic memory. This is also associated with the right hand, therefore, be careful with left-handed authors! Sacramental (remember the counter-hypothesis) - this can mean a simple mechanical action. Counterclockwise - rotation towards the unconscious, towards death and restoration, towards the creation of a new symbol and a “new god” "Counterhypothesis - the danger of being lost in the chaos of the unconscious in the absence of a centering symbol. Spatial symbolism. This aspect is based on the collective human experience, and represents the space of archetypes. Our unconscious connects the left side of the sheet with the past, with the bad and dark side of our life, and the right side with bright hopes, plans and the future. The upper part of the sheet is associated with spiritual aspects, and the lower part with roots, earth, foundation, resources. Here it is worth paying special attention to left-handed authors, as well as authors of Arabic (for example) origin. That is, those people whose concept of “right-left” differs from that accepted by the majority in!
