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Where do the “legs” of problems with the subject “Russian language” come from? Most often, when talking with parents, it turns out that there was hypoxia during childbirth, although this is not the only cause of problems with educational activities. In fact, the consequences of hypoxia vary from mild to severe. So, problems with the subject “Russian language” are mild consequences that become noticeable when the child enters second grade. This is because from the second grade the teacher begins to assign grades. And then twos and threes rain down on the heads of the student and parent. During hypoxia, the brainstem and frontal lobes are most often damaged. The brain stem ensures performance, concentration, and activation of the cortex, which carries out mental activity. The frontal lobes provide the function of planning, monitoring and maintaining a program of activities, and voluntary attention. Disturbances in the functioning of these areas of the brain can manifest themselves in: - inert repetition or omission of letters, syllables, words. - that the child forgets to write a new sentence with a capital letter. -cannot distribute attention when writing: he will write beautifully, but incorrectly. - knows, but forgets to apply the rules of spelling - in the rearrangement of letters (“Nadryusha” instead of Andryusha) - in anticipation (anticipation of letters in a word), for example, “barabl” instead of ship - in the contamination of words (spelling words together together) - other mistakes “due to inattention” So, in order to simultaneously write beautifully, correctly plan each element of a letter, their connections, find a problematic place in a word, remember the rules, check spelling in a matter of seconds while you write, it is necessary that the frontal lobes work well. But don’t forget that all this requires energy, which is provided by the brain stem. The weakness of any function will also absorb a colossal amount of energy and oxygen. Therefore, more often in difficult subjects, children begin to yawn, get tired, and hypermobility appears as a compensatory reaction in order to activate the cerebral cortex for learning activities. At this moment, adults are trying to sit the child down. But it turns out worse - the consciousness seems to fall asleep, along with concentration. The number of errors begins to increase. The best thing to do at this moment is to get up and move around. To increase a child’s performance, you need to follow a work and rest schedule, monitor your health, establish a daily routine, get a good night’s sleep, regularly walk in the fresh air, add physical activity, eat right and on time, and do not overload your child with multiple sections. It is important to take physical breaks between lessons. To correct the functions of planning, monitoring and maintaining the program, it is necessary to work with a neuropsychologist. Diagnosis by a neuropsychologist is also necessary in order to determine the mechanism of writing disorders, since the same errors in children may be a consequence of the immaturity of different mental functions.
