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Teaching your child to be safe is necessary, important and necessary. The main thing in this matter is to instruct the child, and not to scare him. It often happens that parents are overly zealous in their approach to this issue, after which the child develops various kinds of fears, the so-called “fears”. Therefore, before you begin the work of teaching your child safety rules, you need to think carefully about how you will do this. This article is aimed at helping you a little with this. It is important to remember that consistency is needed in this matter and before you stop caring for your child, you need to face the fears associated with the child’s independent activities. As I said earlier, you cannot protect a child from all dangers, be with him every minute of his life, but you can teach your child how to avoid them or what to do if trouble happens. Instead of constantly telling the child “you can’t”, “don’t interfere”, etc., you can make sure that the conditions in which the child lives are safe. Then you simply won’t have to constantly pester your child with your prohibitions - you’ll rest yourself, and the child will protest against you less. Here are some recommendations that will help you teach your child safety, and you will stop worrying about your child all the time and taking care of him. In the event that If the child is still small and you have to constantly monitor that he doesn’t climb into anything, get hurt, or hurt himself, you can protect the environment in which he is located. To do this, you need to look at your own apartment from the child’s perspective and remove everything that he can reach that could seriously injure him. All these things are put away in safe places - where the child simply cannot reach. All cabinets and chests of drawers where a child can climb must be securely closed. All corners that it might hit can be covered with special soft corners, which are sold in furniture stores. You need to check that everything is well closed, especially those places that are most dangerous - the door to the balcony, bathroom, toilet, pantry. When you do this, you will feel a release of tension because you will know that your child's living environment has become safer. Over time, the need to constantly monitor the child will gradually disappear and anxiety will subside, and you will begin to trust the child more and more. Older children can already be told about safety rules, but this should be done easily and unobtrusively - in a game, through fairy tales , cartoons, conversations, poems. Play is a favorite childhood activity and a child quickly learns this or that information with its help. Choose toys, make up stories and play with your child as a family. Consolidate this experience, repeat the knowledge gained. Create a colorful poster with your child with emergency numbers and hang it in a visible place. Explain to your child when to call these numbers; to do this, you can learn nursery rhymes that can be found in children’s books and on the Internet. You also need to make a list of safety rules that should never be violated and convey them to the child. Here, of course, you need to tell him what NOT to do: 1. talk to strangers, take something from them, go somewhere with them.2. cross the street at a red light (walk alone in a pedestrian crossing without a traffic light)3. cross the street in the wrong places4. say that you are at home alone5. open the door to strangers. You should not open the door for anyone when you are home alone. Explain to your child that these rules must always be followed. He must understand that he must always and everywhere adhere to these rules and there can be no exceptions. It is also important to be an example for the child: if you say that you need to cross the street only in the designated places, then you cannot break this rule yourself when you you walk down the street with your child, otherwise he will simply get confused. And so on for each rule. When will the child
