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Due to the nature of my work, I meet different people. And they are all remarkable and good in their own way, but... There are always some nuances. In each of us there lives a “child”, the same one from whom we have grown, gaining the experience of life. But have we grown...Have we become mature and spiritually developed, emotionally whole? Very often I hear how married couples poke each other with grievances during a conversation, who owes what to whom, who and how, at the request of the other partner, should change in order for the first to become calmer and happier. Or a version of “Mother Teresa”, who comes to a psychotherapist to complain about her difficult life, talking about how she pays the mortgage for a 3-room apartment. apartment for my 30-year-old daughter and her husband, because “the children need to be helped.” And if I don’t feel sorry for her, she says that I’m a bad specialist and leaves. It also happens that clients often ask for instructions on how to live, what to do, what decisions to make. And if I refuse to take responsibility for someone else’s “adult” life, I am again a bad specialist and they leave... Psychosomatics, complaints about symptoms incomprehensible to medicine, which seem to take away the opportunity to live in society, work, build relationships, solve real problems, live YOUR real life... And I must magically heal, say: get up and go! But no, I’m not God again... And they leave, disappointed, devaluing all psychotherapy as a whole. But just people, I am addressing you all now. This is your life and only you choose the path, make decisions and build your own living space. And it is your decisions and choice of path, and maybe the rejection of all this that leads you there, to the problems that exist. To those diseases and conditions. Becoming an adult, independent and even independent is not everything. Learning to play different social roles, playing adult uncles and aunts is not yet success. It’s like choosing an outfit before leaving the house, but who am I going to be today? The external facade, “everything is okay with me,” “I’m no worse than others,” and then what? For some reason, incomprehensible “for no apparent reason” depression, insomnia, anxiety, panic attacks, irritation arise. A bunch of pills, alcohol, extreme sports, sex on the side - all this is an option for some kind of refuge. And from whom to hide? Is it really from himself? From your shame? From the inability to live your life? Why do you need a magic pill, a crutch, advice from a significant person, a recommendation from a specialist about changing your lifestyle. This is a kind of throwback to the past - behind the usual defense mechanisms, behind turning to the “old parent” who knows better what is best for you. And why then live? For them? What about you? And at the same time YOUR soul, YOUR body is sick, YOUR relationships are collapsing. Look at you. Who are you...Who are you people? Little boys and girls seeking advice and guidance from their parents, significant others, hiding from their faults and mistakes, lying to themselves, living in a way that makes them more comfortable, not happier? At the same time, men and women playing the roles of adults are carbon copies... At the same time, they have not reached emotional and spiritual maturity. The so-called acceptance of oneself, the formation of oneself, one’s integrity, stable self-esteem, one’s personal boundaries and internal supports, the awareness of one’s “I want”. Try to look into yourself at least a little and honestly, to become your own masters. Of course, a miracle will not happen. But there will definitely be a new experience. And it will be your own and most valuable. And perhaps the most correct one. And if something doesn’t work out right away, and there are mistakes, there will be growth and development again, even greater movement forward, even greater formation of new experience and oneself. With wishes of balance and authenticity, your doctor, just as I am...
