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The role positions of mother and housewife are often closely interconnected among modern women. When describing the Mistress archetype, it is customary to take this moment into account. In this article we will do the same, but we will remember that in real life the housewife may functionally be neither a mother nor a stepmother, but still have these hypostases within herself and at one time or another reveal the content of both. Let's consider the light and dark sides of the Mistress archetype. The light side of the Mistress archetype is Mother. This is the keeper of the hearth, weaving space and preserving everything valuable that is in it. Such a woman-Mistress knows how to preserve, or even increase, the treasures that a man has obtained, herself, or that she has acquired in some other way, and to dispose of them with dignity. She strives for abundance, retention, cultivation and multiplication. The home of a woman with a well-developed Mistress-Mother archetype is cozy and attractive with comfort. He is truly a full cup. And this is not always the fruit of financial investments. It’s just that such a lady knows how to use available resources wisely and wisely. This woman is able to competently organize the process. Do you think she is just a neat housekeeper? Not really. Yes, she can do a lot of things with her hands. But she, if she wants, makes sure that the matter is resolved without excessive effort, or organizes others for this purpose. Although sometimes from the outside it may seem as if some invisible assistants are working behind her back. But there is no magic. The answer lies in her resourcefulness, reasonable planning, coherence of actions and desire for order and practicality. This approach relates not only to the maintenance of the house, but also to the quality of thinking, ways of building relationships, harmony in the soul, etc. As a rule, when solving a variety of issues, she chooses the most effective methods available to her. This makes it possible for those around her to feel especially calm and safe with her. The Mistress-Mother archetype is realized to a sufficient extent when a woman takes responsibility for how she manages the available resources - money, her own abilities, strength, energy and, of course, some tools and attributes of everyday life. Such a woman knows how to give - warmth, care, love, give gifts, not to mention something more objective and ordinary. A lady with the bright side of the Mistress realized in herself easily and naturally - and at home, both at work and in some other place where he is periodically not as a guest, but more thoroughly, he establishes his own order and rules. And in an apartment, and in a country house, and in a personal car, and in an office at the service of everyone the subject has its place. She often knows a lot about needlework and creativity, loves to give what comes out from under her golden hands. A woman with a harmoniously expressed light side of the Hostess archetype sews, creates coziness, cooks excellently, creates an interior, in a word, creates. Living with her or being her guest is pleasant, unless the archetype turns to its dark side... The dark sides of the Mistress archetype - Stepmother and Kvochka We have all repeatedly observed in works of art (and not only in them, of course), how much it can be creepy Mistress - the mistress of the situation, the house, the manager within the family. It doesn’t matter what kind of relationship a woman actually has with us, or we with someone else, but if the dark side of the Mistress in a person “seizes power,” the rest becomes, to put it mildly, uncomfortable. The most commonly viewed negative role of the Mistress - Stepmother. She is the real mother or the one who functionally fulfills her duties and has the appropriate status. In life, the Stepmother archetype sometimes manifests itself outside the context of kinship with someone. The stepmother is characterized by indifference, ignoring the needs of children or wards, abuse of authority, physical or psychological violence, “letting off steam” on loved ones, increasing self-esteem by belittling others, demonstrating care and hospitality "to the public")
