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From the author: five sources of inspirationThe quality of your relationship and the atmosphere and partner you will live this life with depend on your condition. Therefore, you yourself need to be in a state of inspiration, regardless of the weather, situations, or mood. It is difficult to maintain this state when your head is bursting with accumulated problems, unresolved situations, and current issues. Absorbed in everyday life, many of you lose yourself. How to break out of this vicious circle? Try to find inspiration in everything you do, and this state will visit you more and more often. Over time you will learn to live in it. Live from it! Today I want to share sources of inspiration with you. It’s easier to say – to inspire you! By applying these simple recommendations, you will feel harmony within yourself and be filled with love. As you know, internal changes are always followed by changes in life. Sources of inspiration. 1. Communication - make sure that communication brings you joy and fills you. Communicate with like-minded, interesting people as often as possible. 2. Loneliness - find time during the day to be alone with yourself. Be sure to turn off all communications. This time is just for you. Listen to your favorite music, take a walk in the park, sit near the fireplace or candle, looking at the fire. 3. Body - pay attention to your body, do not wait for “loud SOS signals” from it. Massage, sauna, swimming pool, sports, energy practices, dancing. Listen to your body's signals, love it. 4. Gifts – don’t buy things automatically – give them to yourself.5. Observe – Stop once a day to observe. Imagine: life is in full swing, people are running somewhere, and you stand and contemplate it without judgment or comparison. Hear your breath and observe life. Let these actions become a way of your life - and inspiration will find you on its own! On my own behalf, I would add full-fledged sex with a loved one to point 3. And also time to rest and time to relax. Be inspired and inspire. Smiles;)
