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From the author: Another view.rf “Darling, I can’t, I have a headache. How can a head hurt, it’s a bone?” Quotes from jokes. Headaches are very common. Almost everyone can say that they have encountered it. According to researchers, up to 80% of the population suffer from headaches every year, and up to 20% consult doctors about this, which is their main disease. This disease is one of the main reasons for absenteeism from work and/or avoidance of personal and social activities. Most of these pains are not associated with ordinary or, as doctors call them, organic diseases. Moreover, regularly, as anyone can notice, headaches occur during stress. It can also accompany many mental disorders, especially depression and anxiety. Very often, patients with headaches go in circles to various doctors: therapists, neurologists, psychiatrists, and undergo a wide variety of studies. But everywhere they receive a negative diagnosis (that is, the absence of a pronounced disease). Another option is that the diagnosis, and therefore medical prescriptions, change many times from doctor to doctor. Both cases only increase the patient's anxiety. After all, his pain is real, not imaginary. It is known that the onset of the disease is almost always preceded by psychogenic factors. In the life history of a person with a headache, one can identify a significant number of conflicts and mentally traumatic situations from childhood and from now on. Often they appropriate symptoms learned in the parental family and use them to create a space for communication in current reality. To understand the mechanism of perpetuation of this disease, the easiest way is to find out what goal is pursued by a person who complains of a headache, what benefit he receives. These people are characterized by quite pronounced emotional and personal changes. The head is very important in our culture, especially in the minds of some people. And in those moments when there is a feeling of a threat to a certain level of aspirations, their idea of ​​the ideal, a headache may appear as the most acceptable social way of protecting against possible failure to achieve. Difficult life circumstances and stress most often intensify these problems, regardless of their psychological or physiological origin. On the other hand, psychotherapy, as proven by numerous studies, leads to pain relief, even in the case of a physiological, organic disease. Some scientists divide pain of emotional and personal origin into psychosomatic (tension headache, migraine) and psychogenic (pain due to anxiety, depression, delirium). Another example of pain is a conversion symptom in patients with demonstrative, hysterical characteristics. In such patients, headaches can symbolize unconscious intrapersonal conflicts, and pain manifests itself through the voluntary nervous system. On the other hand, psychosomatic pains are reactions of the autonomic nervous system to conscious and unconscious conflicts and do not carry symbolic overtones. Migraine. Migraine is a headache caused by malfunction of blood vessels. It is characterized by a paroxysmal course, periodic headaches, sometimes accompanied by gastrointestinal disorders. Regularly the pain is one-sided. It happens that it is accompanied by vomiting, usually vomiting brings relief. Most often, the sensation of pain spreads from the inside to the outside. Some doctors associate this condition with impaired intracranial circulation. There are a large number of different forms of migraine: simple and complex, with and without aura. Patients with this disease have their own words and expressions to describe unbearable, excruciating pain. Pain with tearing, piercing throbbing. There is no getting used to it. In some ways there is an affinity with epilepsy..
