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Human beings have the ability to think ahead. This gives him the opportunity to provide for various options for the occurrence of events. This kind of thinking has both positive and negative sides. If a person relies on real and objective data and arguments, then foresight develops. Causes of anxiety Anxiety arises when the possible course of events is viewed in a negative way, or there is uncertainty. In the absence of information, some people tend to create a negative scenario, which causes worry and anxiety. Anxiety can be thought of as thought forms and images clinging to each other, causing fear. Have you noticed a chain of similar thoughts in yourself? I have a headache -> it’s probably a coronavirus -> I can infect my family -> and if I’ve already infected it -> everyone will get seriously ill -> they may die Feelings of restlessness Symptoms of worry and anxiety can cause bodily reactions: • muscle tension or pain; • increased heart rate; • increased sweating ;• cold extremities;• nervous tics. In behavior, a high degree of anxiety can be expressed in: • fussiness and inability to relax; • absent-mindedness; • sleep disturbance; • fatigue. Trigger of anxiety Worry and anxiety are most often caused by those situations in which the following signs are present: - uncertainty: lack of necessary information on an important issue; - unpredictability: the inability to determine the further development of events; - novelty: lack of personal experience in the situation; - ambiguity: the possibility of development events in different ways, different interpretations. The current situation in the country meets all the criteria, so it is not surprising that it causes corresponding emotional tension in people. Types of worry Constructive - worry about real problems. It concerns problems that exist in immediate reality and require immediate resolution. For example, when making a specific medical diagnosis. Unconstructive - worry about possible (hypothetical) problems. Occurs when a worst-case scenario is assumed. For example, in the presence of symptoms inherent in various diseases. Anxiety Becomes a Problem All people experience anxiety to varying degrees. A mild degree of anxiety helps to mobilize the body’s strength and successfully cope with the assigned tasks. But anxiety becomes a problem when it does not help resolve the situation, but, on the contrary, negatively affects the rhythm of life, depletes and absorbs resources. We will talk about how to cope with anxiety in the next article. I will help you resolve problems that cause anxiety and worry, normalize your emotional state, both in person and online in all messengers 89648347009
