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If you ask 10 random people on the street - “Who do they consider a “rich person”? - then without saying a word they will give you the same answer. Something like this: “A rich person is one who has 1 million dollars. What will allow you to not work for the rest of your life, constantly fly to overseas resorts, drive the most expensive car and carelessly spend money in restaurants every evening.” But is this really so? Let's figure it out together. 1) Sergei Yesenin taught us to “go wild in restaurants.” He knew how to have fun. And, at the same time, he was a very respected person in society. He left a good memory of himself. If you think about it, every movie about millionaires has similar shots: restaurants, continuous fun, carelessly throwing money away, reckless shopping everything that is most expensive and fast-moving.* But is this what “real wealth” actually looks like? Extremely doubtful... 2) A rich person is considered to be one who does not need to “work for money.” This definition is much closer to the truth. It means that there is always money in your wallet. That there is no need to jump up in the morning and make your way to work through traffic jams. Where to do tedious work all your life - because the time will soon come to pay interest on a mortgage or car loan.* But that’s not all. There are a couple more important ingredients. Without which the “picture” will not be complete. 3) What makes us rich is the possession of “income-generating assets.” They are capable of independently – without our direct participation – earning us money. In sufficient quantities for a comfortable life. Not a luxurious one. Namely, comfortable. When you have enough of everything. You don't need anything. I am calm about the future of my children and parents. You’re not in a hurry and you’re happy with everything. Only money can provide us with this serene “state of mind.” More precisely, their presence in quantities that do not force us to remember them in difficult times. 4) You can’t buy health. That’s why rich people don’t go on a spree in restaurants. As the cinematography is trying to convince us of this. They go there only because they are the owner of a profitable restaurant chain. And they eat exclusively healthy food. Full of fiber and fresh vegetables/fruits rich in vitamins. They also go to the gym and pool regularly. And along the way, they own a well-promoted network of fitness centers. They also conduct check-ups of their health. In their own medical centers, health resorts and sea resorts. Which they own.5) To summarize: Rich people in real life look completely different from how they are portrayed in glossy magazines and movies. The first thing rich people do is “buy assets.” And they take care of their health.* I hope you are one of them?
