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I have repeatedly drawn your attention to the fact that there are no universal methods for solving psychological problems. Each person, that is, each case, requires an individual approach. Therefore, first, a specialist needs time to understand the causes of a person’s internal problems during consultations, and only then, having thoroughly studied the cause-and-effect relationships, will it be possible to select methods and practices to effectively overcome negative attitudes and traumas. Not a single article will allow you to get rid of your negative experiences that hinder your development, but the purpose of my publications is to take as broad a look as possible at each problem that you encounter in your professional activities. If a worried or suffering person begins to see the complexity of his own psychological motivations, denials, fears and prohibitions , then it will be easier for him to accept the ambiguous and multi-layered nature of the internal conflict, and it will be easier for him to decide in time to consult a specialist. Therefore, in my articles, I most often do not touch upon the topic of problem solving, but try to immerse the reader in the maximum depth of our individual psychological reflections, the nature of which the majority may simply know nothing about. Today we are trying to deal with self-doubt and trying to understand where its roots can grow from! The paradox of uncertainty Self-doubt has one very curious and paradoxical property. In order to be insecure, you need to be sure that you are an insecure person! Agree, there is already some kind of catch or some kind of inconsistency in this. In different situations, you cannot step over your uncertainty, while persistently assuring yourself that you are not capable, that you will not be able to, that this is not given to you, that you cannot and that you will definitely not succeed! How much confidence do you need to have to oppress and suppress yourself so confidently?! Therefore, when we talk about uncertainty, we must imagine at the level of understanding that our uncertainty may be associated with an altered perception of reality, in which it is easier for us to persuade ourselves to retreat than to direct our persuasion towards taking a step towards what we want. It is easier for us to convince ourselves that we are weaker than we really are. This is really simpler and often insecure people, having a certain potential for confidence, direct it in the wrong direction. An insecure person spends his energy trying to compress the spring rather than relaxing it. But the energy is still wasted, just in vain. And if you change the wrong direction of application of forces, then you suddenly discover unexpected horizons that you never even dreamed of. Formula “20-40-60” Uncertainty in most cases connects us with the opinions of others. We are afraid of what they will think of us, we are afraid of other people's assessments, we are afraid of disapproval and ridicule. In Western psychological practices there is an ambiguous, but in a certain sense, interesting formula for the perception of oneself and others. The essence of the 20-40-60 approach is this: In your 20s, you care about what others think of you, and therefore your decisions and actions are directly related to how you perceive others to think about you. At the age of 40, people reach a certain maturity and independence, which allows them to no longer pay attention to the opinions of others and we begin to coordinate our decisions only with our desires. That is, in this case, self-doubt is tied to age. However, we are not yet done with the curious formula. The fact is that, according to her, at the age of 60 we already begin to understand that no one has ever thought about us! That all people are busy only with their experiences and solving only their problems, and if we suddenly worried someone, it was only, as they say now, in the moment, because that’s how the circumstances turned out! But no one really thinks about us, and no one is interested in us! In other words, in the end
