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Adaptation forms. Criteria by which you can understand whether a child has adapted to kindergarten. How you can make the child’s entry and adaptation to kindergarten smoother. How you can prepare for kindergarten in advance, and by what criteria you can find out that the adaptation was successful. So, you have already made a decision, and your child goes to kindergarten. This is a foreign planet for him, another unusual world, in which he often cannot play, run, do his own thing, when he wants it, and when he doesn’t feel like it, he needs to eat, sleep, study, clean, etc. The child needs to get used to: new adults, children, food, daily routine, rules, and get used to the absence of relatives and loved ones nearby. This is a huge amount of work, physical and emotional. Here we are talking about adaptation. What is adaptation? In simple words, it is getting used to a new environment, to new conditions. Everyone goes through it differently. Some easily get used to it within a month, or even less, others a little longer: and it takes them about 2 months. It happens that a child walks great the first week, but in the second starts to be capricious. He has satisfied his initial interest and now wants to stay at home. Adaptation continues If adaptation takes a long time - from 2-6 months. and more, then we are talking about a severe form and there are two options: it is too early for your child to go to kindergarten, or he is not psychologically ready (for older children), or the teachers in this group were not suitable for your child. This also happens. Changing the group or teacher leads to a positive result. What disturbances in the child’s behavior or condition may there be? These are: · Appetite disturbances. · Sleep disturbances. · Excessive disinhibition or, conversely, lethargy. · Regression in speech may occur. · Regression in self-care is possible. It is as if the child has forgotten how to do everything on his own. · He ceases to show cognitive activity. · Difficulties arise in communicating with children, the child is drawn to adults. because it is difficult for him to come to an agreement or explain himself with his peers.. He is less happy and laughs and more capricious, cries, angry and angry. If your child shows a change from his norm in these areas, then he is still in the adaptation stage. Let's talk about what parents can do for the child’s successful adaptation. First, we will talk about the preparatory stage. What you can do at home: Play in kindergarten, with dolls, bunnies, cars, it doesn’t matter. It is important that the child remains in a positive mood from the game. Develop self-care skills in your child. Let him dress and eat himself. What is important here is the emphasis not on speed, correctness and accuracy, but on his desire and desire to do it himself. In a children's group, children learn quickly by looking at each other. Engage in hardening the child, even if these are not special procedures, but such simple things as long walks, juice from the refrigerator, ice cream, the children's favorite, clothes for the weather, a swimming pool - this also has a good effect to improve the child’s health. Tell your personal, positive, interesting stories about the kindergarten, look at the photos. Play the game “find mom or dad in the photo.” It's fun. Tell special fairy tales for adaptation to kindergarten, which can be easily found on the Internet. Make sure that the child's daily routine is similar to kindergarten. The same goes for food. Be curious about what they feed children in the garden and start introducing it into your and your child’s diet. I emphasized mine because for some children it may help them get used to it. You and your child can also cook porridge together and while playing kindergarten: “fill up the car with fuel,” feed the bunnies, etc. The child should know that in kindergarten he will be with a teacher for some time, without his mother, but Mom will definitely come. Try leaving the child with relatives for a short time at the beginning (about 15 minutes), then increase the time. This is a good experience for a child to be without parents, and also that parents!
