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From the author: Monitoring in education: experience, problems, prospects. Collection of abstracts of speeches and articles of a scientific-practical conference on November 6-7, 2008, Arkhangelsk. Having analyzed the work of the district methodological association over the past 7 years, we came to the conclusion that the problem of the quality of education is directly related to the motivation of teachers. To conduct a qualitative analysis of the work, it is necessary to complete a number of tasks: 1) analyze the psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of motivation 2) select a methodological apparatus for diagnosing the individual style of activity and analyzing the work of the district methodological association 3) analyze the results of the study. In the course of studying the psychological and pedagogical literature, we managed consider the main approaches to the study of motivation. In the theory of motivation, there are two main approaches, each of which combines several concepts: • content theories of motivation; • process theories of motivation. Content theories of motivation include the theories of Abraham Maslow, Clayton Alderfer, Frederick Herzberg and David McClelland. These theories make it possible to obtain clear results when analyzing motivational processes, as well as to achieve results in crisis situations. Process theories include the works of V. Vroom, J. Stacy Adams and the Porter-Lawler theory. The most informative and useful for us were three main theories: Maslow's, Herzberg's and Vroom's theories. We also decided on the dynamics of motivational systems. The analysis of the work of the district methodological association consisted of three main stages. Diagnostics of the type of motivation of teachers. Types of motivation according to Gerchikov. The methodology assumes the presence of 12 basic questions with which you can determine the leading type of motivation: professional, instrumental, master's, patriotic, avoidant. This technique allows us to identify the incentives for the work of teachers. Diagnostics of a teacher’s individual style of activity. A complex of diagnostics for studying the individual style of a teacher’s activity. This complex contains 16 methods aimed at self-analysis of the teacher’s activities, which allows one to identify the teacher’s individual style of activity and draw up a development plan for this teacher. The complex is aimed at analyzing the activities of the district methodological association. This set includes 6 questionnaires that allow identifying priority areas in the work of teachers economics, forms of increasing competence and professionalism and forms of work that help improve the quality of education. Having studied the motivational component of each teacher, conducting self-analysis of their activities and the activities of the district methodological association, it is possible to draw up a development plan for the district methodological association of economics teachers. Most teachers are between the ages of 35-50 years (third stage), the employee’s goal is the harmonious development of the individual, which reaches the peak of professional maturity. A person achieves the highest personal self-esteem; there is a high need for his own importance in solving time-consuming tasks. At this stage, status and promotion are important for the employee. The following motivates a person at this age: taking part in the decision, making it; management attitude; high reward. A person is at the peak of understanding the meaning of work. Thus, according to the results of a study of the type of motivation according to Gerchikov, it was revealed that 14.3% of teachers refused to implement this technique. This teacher is over 50 years of age. For a given time interval of the dynamics of motivational systems, the goal of professional activity is to maintain a job while minimizing effort. Taking into account the results of other teachers, professional motivation is characteristic of 83.3% of teachers, professional in combination with instrumental is characteristic of 16.7%, professional incombined with the master's is also 16.7%. Thus, teachers who are characterized by professional motivation value the content of the work. They set themselves goals higher than their physical strength. The more difficult the task, the higher the dignity of the teacher. Such people prefer the company of professionals. They are ready to accept certificates instead of money. Teachers whose professional motivation is combined with business motivation, in addition to the above, take responsibility for what they do. Such teachers do not like control. These people are usually innovators who are demanding of themselves and those around them. We are ready to take on major tasks, but also get paid for it. To carry out their professional activities, financial resources are necessary. Teachers who have professional motivation in combination with instrumental motivation are characterized by the following: these professionals work for money. The content of the work itself does not motivate such workers. These are people with developed social dignity. They like leaders who set clear goals. Conducting a self-analysis of the work of the district methodological association, 28.7% of teachers noted that professional growth and development is possible by holding the position of head of the district methodological association. By identifying the degree of proficiency of the teaching staff in certain technologies, the following results were obtained , presented in table 1. Table 1 direction of work number of people who own the technology, % collective method of learning 33.3 personal-centered learning 66.6 gaming technologies 66.6 workshops 16.6 problem-based learning 50 projects 33.3 information technology 33.3 Thus, we see that there are gaps in such a direction as workshops. A teacher who owns this technology will lead this direction. His task: to teach other teachers to master this direction. Based on this principle, other groups are created, with a person responsible and a group adopting this experience. When dividing groups, the results of self-analysis of the activities of teachers and their desire to take the position of head of the district methodological association are taken into account. Since all teachers have professional motivation and are interested in improving their qualifications, those types of work that, in the opinion of teachers, should be included in the next year of work were taken into account. Thus Thus, we see that the regional methodological association of economics teachers has a need for the existence of a separate methodological association; they consider it necessary to hold scientific and practical conferences on economics. Taking into account the data when forming groups, we will be able to predict and recommend the form of advanced training that the teachers themselves choose. Taking into account the 4 main functions of management: planning, organization, motivation, control and the results discussed above, we can move on to considering the resulting development plan. This plan will reflect the direction of activity of the district methodological association, responsible for this direction, motivation of the teacher, composition of the group and form of control of the teacher's activities. Development plan of the district methodological association of teachers of economics of the Kotlas district of the Arkhangelsk region 2008-2009 academic year Goal of work: increasing the professional competence of teachers to improve the quality of education Objectives: motivation of teachers self-education transfer of advanced pedagogical experience No. direction of work responsible group teacher motivation form control 1 collective way of learning K.V.V.D.L.A.N. N.VK. I.V. certificate, RMO manual Presentation of the work done, workshop 2 Personally-oriented training N.N.V.D.L.A.P. Z.Ya. management RMO presentation of the work done, workshop seminar 3Game technologiesP. Z.Y.K.I.V.K. V.V. certificate, percentage, speech at RMO, workshop seminar 41. Workshops using 2. Information technologies K.I.V.K.V.V.N.N.V.D.L.A.P. Z.Ya.F.L.A. diploma, interest, responsibility, festival of pedagogical ideas, presentation of the work done, workshop 5 Problematic.
