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At the age of 13, I first read Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich. The author of the book proposed an ideal formula for creating savings, one of the points of this formula was to give 10% of income to charity. Of course, at that time there were already charitable foundations, but there were not many of them, the Internet and social networks were not so developed and thus , information about the fund’s wards was not distributed as quickly, and there was not so much information about those in need. Today everything has changed. Almost every channel talks about the need for fees, the numbers are amazing. In some regions you can buy several apartments for such amounts. These funds are unaffordable for those families for whom fees are announced. But it is impossible to help every ordinary Russian in need. The total amounts are astronomical. And as I wrote above, from everywhere you hear and see pleas for help that have no end. This has a depressing effect on many. Someone begins to feel guilty that they cannot help everyone or that today they passed by someone’s cry for help, did not repost, did not transfer a single ruble. So is it possible to do good and not feel guilty for doing this good? too little has been done. I suggest you the following: First, think about how much money donated to charity is reasonable for your budget. Talk with your loved ones whether they are ready to allocate some part of the total funds to charity, and if so, what kind. Discuss the timing and those funds or people where you will transfer funds. I myself liked the method of raising one family, they teach their son kindness in this way, every month they open the page of one of the charitable children's funds, read the stories of the children, and my son chooses to whom they will transfer a small a fixed amount. Secondly, if your budget barely covers your personal needs and the needs of your family members, you can start a piggy bank or jar in which you will collect, for example, “nickels” and at the end of the year give them in gratitude. Or you can become volunteer, now the work of many charitable organizations is based precisely on volunteer activities, and you will be able to help those in need with your actions and deeds. However, when you decide to follow this path, you should not forget about your loved ones, do not put the people you help, the organization whose volunteer are the most important in comparison with your main job, members of your family, yourself and your needs. I know a real story when a granddaughter, who is a volunteer in a volunteer center in one city in the Russian Federation, refused her grandmother’s request for help and recommended that she seek help from a volunteer center, leave a request or to some other fund. The same goes for reposting information about help, if you are concerned about how your subscribers will react to a constant request for help from a particular fund, or this form of support is not responded to you at all, refuse this form of help for yourself, or determine the number of reposts and posts, which does not cause you concern. Previously, I wrote about the effect of Mother Teresa and that doing good deeds and deeds is useful not only for the recipient, but also for the donors. However, it is worth doing this from a state of resource, not to the detriment of yourself and your loved ones. Thank you for your attention. Sincerely, Evgenia Valerievna Rumyantseva.
