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If you feel like you are very unlucky, then perhaps you should reconsider your outlook on life and try to change your situation. Here are some tips that may help: 1. Stop looking for someone to blame. Instead of blaming others or fate for your failures, try to take responsibility for your life.2. Develop positive thinking. Try to focus on the positive aspects of your life and learn to see opportunities rather than obstacles.3. Work on your goals and plans. Determine what you want to achieve in life and develop an action plan to achieve those goals.4. Don't be afraid to take risks. Sometimes, to succeed, you have to take risks and get out of your comfort zone.5. Develop your skills and knowledge. The more you know and can do, the more opportunities you will have to achieve success.6. Connect with people who support and inspire you.7. Don't forget about health and rest. Fatigue and stress can negatively impact your ability to make good decisions and achieve goals.8. Be patient and persistent. Achieving success can take time, so don't give up if things don't work out right away.9. Don't forget about gratitude. Even in the most difficult moments of life there is something to be grateful for.10. And finally, remember that failures are a part of life, and they help us grow and develop. In psychology, there is such a concept - secondary gain. Secondary benefit in psychology is an unconscious advantage that a person receives from his illness or problem, including bad luck. This can be both a material and psychological benefit. For example, a person may derive secondary benefit from their depression because it allows them to avoid responsibilities or difficult tasks. Or a person may derive secondary benefit from their illness because it enables them to receive care and attention from others. Secondary benefit may be related to various aspects of life, such as work, relationships, finances, etc. It may be unconscious and hidden even to the person himself. It is important to understand that secondary gain is not the cause of the disease or problem, but it can aggravate its course and complicate treatment. Therefore, it is important to realize and work with secondary benefit. I provide personal consultations in several formats: online - video communication offline - psychologist's office Korolev, Moskvachat correspondence in messengers 89254619965 Gulnaramoya page in VK, welcome 🌹 https://vk.com/psycholog81
