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I was touched upon by the saying: “A mother must entice her child to live.” and I wanted to write an article about an important year in a person’s life. The basis was the material mastered at the “School of Practical Psychoanalysis.” The statement belongs to the French psychoanalyst Joyce McDougall. What is the meaning of the statement? The baby that came out of the womb, where he was “fully provided for,” will now have to face the difficulties of life. With cold, bright light, unpleasant dampness, once to endure hunger and loneliness, stomach pain, in the end, to breathe and digest food on your own. In general, life is difficult. In order for the baby to want to stay alive and develop normally, the mother must compensate with her love for the difficulties and fears of a tiny person who has come into an incomprehensible, huge world (sometimes offending - after all, this is how the baby understands dissatisfaction), where he is completely dependent on the care of others. Responsible task. * In this article I will talk about the mother as the most important person, but meaning the entire primary environment of the child. What does a child need in the first year of life? In short, it is: Security. Warm. Nutrition (Physical, emotional, intellectual). Love. Each point of these conditions is extremely important for the future fate of the child, because it is in the first year of life that the feeling of being good is established, basic trust in the world, the ability to love and build relationships is formed. Now, in more detail about what the child needs: First of all, the mother needs concentration on the baby (this is the state when she hears from the next room what is happening with him). The mother of the baby needs to gradually adjust and adapt to the child. Get in tune. Such attunement will further guarantee adequate satisfaction of the baby’s needs. Rhythm of care and feeding is necessary. (without fanaticism - the child must eat before he loses hope). Thanks to this, the experience of rhythm is imprinted in the child’s psyche. Feeding at a certain time establishes consistency in the child's worldview. It also creates basic trust in the world. The baby gradually begins to get used to the fact that dissatisfaction will at a certain time be replaced by satisfaction. The daily routine of the child and parents is also established. The child gradually gets used to being patient and waiting. Gradual separation. The mother gradually moves away from the child and is no longer fully focused on him. When the baby is full and in a good mood, the mother gives him the opportunity to be alone, at times to wait for her and even to be sad (here you need to find a balance). By separating, the child begins to understand that he and the mother are separate objects. That mom is not a function to satisfy all his desires. Some adults have never been able to master this psychic achievement. When the mother returns and consoles the angry baby, he learns to connect the holistic image of the mother - the good (satisfying) and bad (unsatisfying) mother. The beginnings of gratitude arise. Left alone, the child learns to be aware and understand his desires, his Self. He learns to dream about their satisfaction, because when all desires are immediately satisfied, they do not have time to be realized. Moreover, there is no need to dream about them. Also, when left alone, the child begins to explore the world around him and enjoy himself. Attention to the child. Emotional investments are required, investments of love are affection and handling (handling). And intellectual investment in words, that is, conversation and explanation. These components are the foundations of a child’s mental development. Susceptibility. Helps the mother understand what the child really needs. Is he hungry or wet, or just wants to be held? When a mother is able to respond adequately, she gives the child the experience of being understood by others, which means a feeling of being important and good. Containment and interpretation. Watching the child, the mother understands what he needs and names his desires and conditions. For example, “do you want this toy” or
