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Comparing yourself to other people can have negative consequences for personality development. Constantly comparing yourself to others can lead to a strong focus on external indicators of success such as wealth, status, appearance, etc. As a result, people may begin to consider these factors as the most important in life, ignoring internal qualities such as kindness, honesty, hard work, etc. This can lead to unrealistic expectations and feelings of dissatisfaction even when external indicators of success are achieved. In the long term, the use of comparison can lead to inferior and unbalanced personal development. People who frequently compare themselves to others may become unable to understand and evaluate their own needs and desires. They may begin to strive for a life that does not correspond to their true values ​​and interests. Long-term use of comparison has a negative impact on a person at any age. Thus, the use of comparison by parents as a manipulation in parenting can have serious consequences for the development of the child's personality in the long term. -Firstly, constant comparisons can lead to the development of a child’s feelings of inferiority and self-doubt. The child may begin to feel that he does not live up to his parents' expectations and cannot achieve the same success as his siblings or other children. This can lead to low self-esteem and difficulty in social interaction. Long-term use of comparisons can lead to a child developing persistent feelings of inferiority and self-doubt, which can affect their mental health in the future. The child may develop a negative self-image, which can lead to a variety of problems, including anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems. Second, using comparisons as a manipulation can encourage competitive behavior and a desire to dominate others in the child. The child may begin to see other children as competitors and strive to outdo them rather than cooperate and interact with them. This can lead to the development of self-centeredness and a lack of cooperation and empathy, which can create difficulties in interacting with others in the future. Third, the use of comparisons can lead to negative emotional reactions in the child, such as anger, disappointment, envy and jealousy . These emotions can be harmful to a child's mental health and can lead to the development of negative relationships with siblings and others and the creation of a hostile environment in the family and in other social contexts. In general, the use of comparisons as a manipulation in parenting can lead to serious problems in parenting. development of the child’s personality in the long term. Parents should use more positive parenting methods aimed at encouraging the child's individual qualities rather than comparisons with other people. This will help the child develop healthy self-esteem and social skills that will be useful in the future. So, using comparisons of oneself with other people can lead to serious problems in personality development. To develop as individuals, people must learn to value and develop their own qualities rather than compare themselves to others. They must learn to accept their shortcomings and work to improve them, rather than try to become like other people. Sincerely, Your psychotherapist, coach, interpersonal relationship specialist, Natalya Akhmedova
