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From the author: December 2011, “Mastery of Love” magazine, Winter has begun. And the year will soon end, but why run ahead of the locomotive, let's live full of today. Admire the city Christmas trees, delight yourself with making decorations (we’ll definitely talk about this separately), generate the energy of goodness and love according to feminine nature, dream and have fun. Otherwise, I had already met the worried faces of women on the streets, rushing to stock the refrigerator shelves for future use and torn by thoughts about gifts. After all, then it will change, they will dismantle it, etc. Brrrrr. Take care of Women My dear readers, take care of yourself, your sacred femininity! It becomes fragile and vulnerable if you drive it into a corner with male aspirations, stormy battles for a place in the sun, caring for everyone and everything. Protect your little inner child (the technique is given in the “HE+SHE” course, lesson 2). And if you notice that you are too carried away by satisfying other people’s interests (to the detriment of yourself), then urgently say STOP and return to your own. Believe me, everything will be fine with you, everything will be fine for everyone. If you are a lover of pleasing everyone... think about it... There is such a rude saying: “If you give to everyone, the bed will break.” I love remembering it when I need to say “no” (even to a loved one), it immediately puts my brain in place. And this is not rigidity, not selfishness, this is an environmentally friendly attitude towards the dearest and closest person - to yourself. Where does female acceptance come from? In the last issue, we mentioned that respect for a man comes when you accept yourself. And you can’t do it from your head. No matter how hard you try to convince yourself that it’s NECESSARY, it won’t do any good. Such changes occur through the body, exclusively through it. You can’t do this without relieving muscular and psychological tension. But when you live most of the time in the body, its sensations, its desires, subtly feel your needs, engage in women’s practices (physical exercises and meditation are in this course, classes 5 and 6) - you are filled. And you will be so overwhelmed with feminine power and awareness of the divine essence that all his shortcomings will instantly seem like a trifle. You will shine and radiate love. Personal experience Live with feelings, feel and you will receive advice and love. It’s hard to believe, I understand. I once thought that I needed to build relationships with intelligence, control and knowledge. It was just bullshit, that's a fact. Life led to body-oriented therapy. Initially, I began to study and master energy practices, wanting to improve the sexual side of my life. I learned along the way that my problem was in my head, which made me even more upset. I thought that I was very smart and that was cool. It was catastrophically difficult for me to turn off my brain. My pride! The hard-won and hardened status of a strong woman is quite difficult to leave, but the buzz is unearthly. Those who were lucky enough to attend my live workshops will confirm. A woman who lives by feelings (not to be confused with hysterics), energetic, giving is a godsend in the modern world. And being with you will be a pride and the highest reward for a man. And they will carry you in their arms, and bear gifts, and whims, and forgive all sorts of PMSs. Our men are so wonderful, there are simply no words. This is because more often than not it will be magically good and calm to be around you. After all, what your husband really needs from you is to relax and refresh himself (energetically). Therefore, my dear, beautiful women, let’s guard our destiny like the apple of our eyes, oh how))) Practice, ground yourself, soar, illuminate the world with your inner beauty. The team of the workshop of love will help you in every possible way. With love Lyudmila Alipatova, your guide of love and light www.alipatova.ru
