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It’s no secret that there is a relationship between a person’s psychological problems and excess weight. We all know that when we have difficulties with the functioning of one of the senses, then the other an organ or even several other organs take over its job of extracting information from the surrounding world. For example, if the sense of smell is weakened, the sense of taste may become stronger. This is how our physiology works. If one of the organs of world perception does not “supply” enough information, then we compensate for this deficiency with other organs. The same can be said about our basic needs; if one of the needs is unsatisfied, then the subconscious mind compensates for this through another. What are our basic needs? These are security, stability, life maintenance, life extension, love and some others. Feelings of security and stability in our rapidly changing world are not always available. The need to maintain life is the need for warmth and food. And with our rhythm of life, we do not always satisfy them on time and completely. With the need to prolong life and love, everything is also not stable, because these needs are directly related to other people. Love and food are closely intertwined from birth. Breastfeeding is an expression of tenderness, care and love. And it turns out that we can either not get what we need, or get something completely different from what we would like. So what happens? And the fact that we can satisfy the need for food without unnecessary interference. And with the help of satisfying the need for food, we “along the way” satisfy the needs for pleasure, stability and much else... And so we eat. We eat when we are hungry. We eat to make us feel warm and calm. And we hope that with every new spoon of food we can feel the peace that we had in childhood. We subconsciously want to again experience that carefree childhood when our mother breastfed us. To be continued. Your Lana.
