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Basic personality settings include those settings that are given to a person from birth and are almost impossible to change throughout life. If I do not follow my basic settings, try to change myself or adapt to people, circumstances, etc., it is unlikely that I will have a harmonious and happy life. VERTICAL The Sower and the Gatherer are located on the same segment. You need to understand that it is rare to find a sower or gatherer in its pure form. Basically, every person is partly a Sower, partly a Gatherer. You can think for yourself what percentage you have of this or that type of basic personality attunement. Sower Description of the type: The sower is not the most common type of person. The sower’s life’s work is only to “sow”, not to collect fruits, not to do anything himself, but to teach what to do, how to do it. What they “sow” is perfectly embodied by other types. Sowers generate ideas, create new teachings and directions; they are excellent teachers and mentors. They have a keen sense of what this world needs at a given time and can be successful investors. They receive a huge influx of strength and energy when they give something to their students, children, and friends. The most interesting thing is that they must give freely, with all their soul and pure heart. The Sower’s main problem in life is resentment at the ingratitude of other people. The issue is that the sower rarely receives anything from the place where he “sowed.” For example, a sower creates a Fund for Helping Nature and expects dividends from it, but there are none. In fact, there are dividends, but in a different form, say, his wife is given a bonus, or his child receives a Grant. That is, there is no “you give me - I give you” transaction system here. And this gives me the feeling that I am trying for everyone, but nothing in return. The main quality of the Sower is generosity, the ability to give. The sower always gives in one place and receives in another. For happiness: The sower must understand that he is launching the System (!!!) and gratitude will come to him in the form of connections, opportunities, clients. The Sower's main joy is pride in those who grew up under his wing. When the Sower does not expect direct gratitude, then his type of energy comes to him. To do for the universe (God, the Universe, etc.) is his calling. This is what guarantees him the arrival of money, opportunities, strength, health, energy. Gatherer Description of type: The Gatherer comes to collect the “harvest” when it is NECESSARY, when the “harvest is ripe” and not when WANTED. People of this type get involved in business when the need arises. They gain energy under the influence of external circumstances. Gatherers, as a rule, have no internal motivation (dreams, ideas). Their main motivation is need. If the Gatherer feels needed, he is able to accumulate the energy “spilled in the air.” And when the “need for business” ends, the Collector either comes up with things to do for himself, or “fades away.” Such people cannot be idle, without a goal. It doesn’t matter who or what hangs on them: business, work, family - all this is their fuel. The collector has a very keen sense of justice. It’s hard for them when someone doesn’t do anything: “It’s not fair - I’m working like this, and he’s lying there.” It is very important that everything is “my way.” The collector is not afraid of stress. The higher the stress level, the higher the “mobilization” and the more strength and energy. For the Gatherer, obstacles are just a stepping stone to overcome. They make excellent businessmen and workers. For happiness: A collector needs to fall in love with being in demand. If the Gatherer understands that he needs to be indebted to someone or something, that his nature is to be where he is needed, he can feel completely happy. People of this type need to be “loaded” very tightly from childhood, and the busier their schedule is, the more energetic they will be. ALONG THE HORIZONTAL On the other segment are the Generalist and the Specialist. A generalist in its pure form can be found much more often than a Specialist. Although 100% is also rare. In their purest form, Specialists are brilliant artists, musicians,scientists, maybe not 100%, but 99%. Just like Generalists most often have a tendency towards one or another specialization. Here you can also think for yourself what percentage of this or that type of basic personality adjustment you have. Universal Description of the type: For the Universal, the main thing is NOT TO STRESS. Yes, they are capable of taking on any task, and everything works out for them, but they are too lazy to take on it. When they have already started, they get involved in the process and continue to work easily and enthusiastically. Tension, in the form of specific deadlines for completing a given task, strict requirements for the conditions of execution, control over implementation, can put them into a stupor and interfere with work on the task. For successful work, the main thing for Generalists is not to stress, not to think about anything, not to care about anything, and not answer for anything. This is a wonderful performer. His main quality is the ability to do something, but he does not always do what they wanted him to do. If the performer is not limited, he can start making a stool, but the end result will be a beautiful chair. The Universal receives vitality and energy in the process of action. It seemed like I didn’t have the strength to get up and wash the dishes, but I just started, and the strength appeared, and in the end I did some general cleaning. During actions, thoughts come into their minds about how they can do this. In action he has a connection with space. In the end, what they end up with is not what they themselves came up with or invented, but what was born along the way. Very often they create something amazing, but not at all what was needed. For happiness: The main need of such a person is comfort. Generalists have the ability to see, hear and do. I saw, heard, tried, saw what happened, took into account the experience, tried again. Generalists cannot be strained or overloaded; one must try to interest them. Universal children need to develop diligence, the ability to draw conclusions, try, make mistakes and see what comes of it. Develop the ability to see and hear, trust yourself and intuition, follow space, not be afraid of mistakes. Specialist Type description: Another basic personality type is the Specialist. Here the name speaks for itself. This is a man with a narrow focus. He doesn’t always know from the very beginning what he wants and what he is designed for. And here it is important to “find yourself.” The whole life of such a person is a narrow direction. An influx of strength and energy comes to him when he is in his sphere. This area can be anything: psychology, law, dancing, drawing, physics, mathematics, and so on. In this area, the Specialist shows talent and persistent interest. He has TALENT. Talent is the force to which he must submit. His talent is his “I”, his purpose and meaning of life. Real talent can only be found in a small number of people. If you are a Specialist, you should only care about business. And then the world will take care of you. It will give you strength and energy, it will give you a “soul mate” who will take care of your everyday life, it will give you the means to realize your talent and provide for your needs, it will give you people and connections to promote your business. Just mind your own business, because if you do something against your business, then energy and everything else stops coming to you. For happiness: A specialist is obsessed with his business. Serving the cause becomes the main thing in life for the leaf. A typical problem for a Specialist is emotional burnout and overstrain. The specialist needs to be periodically “taken away” from the case. Overexertion leads to loss of interest and burnout. The main thing for Specialists is the regime, which they sometimes have to forcefully impose. Or the Specialist needs to learn to take care of himself as part of the matter. Take care of sleep, diet, compliance with the rules of breaks and rest. CONCLUSION Of course, here we have considered only two planes of the basic settings of a person’s personality. This is what is given to a person from birth and what cannot be changed without damaging the individual’s psyche. In a three-dimensional model, it is imperative to add another plane where there will be
