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Adolescence gives way to adolescence. To understand what problems adults have associated with this period of our growing up, let's start by talking about the abilities that should develop in adolescence. The conventional boundaries of the youthful period of life can be considered the years, starting from puberty and ending with the age at which the bone skeleton stops growing (that is, approximately 27-28 years of age). The main feature of this age is its focus on the future. We have already said that in early childhood a person is more in the present tense with his thoughts; in kindergarten - in the present and past; in adolescence - in the past and future. And in adolescence, plans and ideas, certainly related to the future, become stronger than ever before in life. During this period, a person learns to set a “goal for his whole life” and think strategically. That is why young men are called romantics, dreamers, idealists. Teenagers' plans are usually not aimed that far. The main thing for them is to get the desired result, to succeed in the eyes of their fellow competitors. In contrast, young men think that not everything can be bought with money, for example, love, friendship, affection, kind attitude. Young men want to change the world, and what is important to them is not material rewards, but moral recognition of their merits. They can sacrifice themselves for the sake of a goal, go to a monastery, create their own club, party. They are leaders and they like to lead. These abilities are very important in the life of any adult. The ability to be devoted to one’s goal, to take responsibility for a common cause, to take initiative, to inspire other people is necessary for everyone, even if it is used only in family life. At the same time, this ability can turn into a need for some people. In this case, the expectation from others of love and recognition becomes fanatical to one degree or another. At the same time, young men can abuse the word “should” in relationships with others and make excessive demands on people. An example of fanatical leaders can be some politicians who sacrifice the lives of many people to the “great” idea, religious figures who call for blind faith, scientists who can devote their entire lives to working on a “great” discovery. And in general, young men are excited and attracted by everything “great.” In such cases, the lack of recognition and people’s love can lead them to a mental crisis, bankruptcy and even suicide, when a person feels that there is no longer anything to live for, that his goal turned out to be unattainable or false. In family relationships, these crises manifest themselves in accusations of imposing their “good” intentions. Youthful suffering ends along with maximalism, when people learn to be more tolerant of other people’s shortcomings and the presence of their own plans and beliefs in those around them. The most important thing with the help of the “young men” is to explain to them that the world exists regardless of their good intentions to save it. But at the same time, you yourself must show patience and tolerance for their ideas..
