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From the author: If you feel bad, don't ask yourself - "When will it end?" Ask yourself - “Why am I doing this with my life?” Amu Mom. “The time will come when you decide that it’s over. This will be the beginning.” This quote is from the famous American writer Louis Lamour. It contains a lot of meaning. This is not the end of a person’s life, which he decided to part with, it is, on the contrary, the beginning of another life, the one that the person desires. There is a card in the Tarot - death, but it is not interpreted as the death of a person, it means the withering away of what exists in a relationship or in a person’s worldview. I'm not a big Tarot expert. There are some combinations in which this card takes on a different meaning, but in most layouts it is the beginning of something completely different. When you decide that it’s all over... You will come to realize yourself, you will want to live differently, breathe easily and to the fullest, free yourself from the old, cleanse your thinking. You can enter the path of Tao. Tao is the path of man. You know where you are going, but you enjoy your path, your existence, you become the Creator of your life. Your unconditional and unconditional Faith in your success, in your happy life, no matter what is in it at the moment, triggers the mechanism of external intention. Realize and understand what in your life prevents you from becoming happy and enjoying every minute here and now. Decide that it’s all over with a sick relationship that doesn’t bring you pleasure and joy, leave an unloved job that has been annoying you for many years and you’ve been marking time, DECIDE to become healthy, launch a healing mechanism into every cell of your body, change your thinking, be able to say thank you to your past - this will be the time when YOU decide that everything is over and this will be YOUR BEGINNING. Be prepared to fail before the changes you need begin to appear. You will experience despair and doubt, be offended by yourself and ask questions: “Can anything ever happen?” Your determination and will will be tested more than once, but you must rise again if you happen to “fall”. This will be YOUR path. Patience and Faith, devotion to what you have chosen for yourself, your unconditional determination to walk your entire Path, will give you EVERYTHING.
