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From the author: What kind of meetings are there? Planned, random, unpredictable, long-awaited, prophetic... Every time, as if by the will of fate, a new star lights up in the sky in the boundless expanses of galaxies, when He and She. This is how the ancient legend interprets it...But there are prophetic meetings after a thousand years? There are. And it’s not at all difficult to say this, looking into the eyes of happy people now. He looks like a good knight from past centuries, full of nobility, politeness, real Polish noble aristocracy, kindness and sincerity, openness, willpower, with soft and gentle shining eyes, because long ago He was lost in the worlds, looking for Him, his the only one. He searched for a long time until he fell asleep, covering his deep blue eyes with fluffy eyelashes, without removing the unruly strand of thick hair from his forehead... He never knew that his own Destiny was looking for him - a young woman with green eyes, shine with the meek flames of peace and kindness... The sophistication of the aristocratic Polish family has always helped her to remain true to her life priorities, laid down by the ancient genetic foundations of her ancient family, even though she had to go through death, hunger, cold, illness, betrayal and separation, and She she continued to walk non-stop along the steep paths of life, winding down and up like mountain roads; she fell, smashed her tender body on the sharp stones of Life itself, and still stubbornly got up and walked... Where? Fortunately, to the Sun, her Destiny with blue eyes... She walked for a long time, not noticing the unstoppable flight of Time, although centuries and millennia passed, still waiting for her prophetic meeting with Him. The hope of meeting her seemed to be almost dying, and then proudly lit up in Her heart again and again, as if it were unquenchable. “I am holy Love, with whom even after a thousand years she will awaken his sleeping and tired tender heart... Are you saying that holy love does not exist in our terrible time of emancipatory progress of the 21st century? When all spiritual values ​​have long been lost with the course of events, wars, cataclysms, moral and spiritual disorder, poverty among the huge roar of cars, subways, turbines, in non-stop cigarette smoke, in a narcotic haze and in an alcoholic dope, when human souls turn into ashes? You know, it happens, but how exactly - read on... PER ASPER AD ASTRA (Through thorns - To the Stars!) Denis: ... When the road of life leads us to a dead end, and day after day we do not sleep until dawn, counting the hours until sunrise, listening to the voice of pigeons under the windows, the noise of passing trams outside the window, bowing our heads in powerlessness in our hands, wiping our tears, we silently ask the Sky: “Well, where are you, my Destiny? Where can I find you? In the name of Heaven, why such a cruel life alone? “Too many questions and not a single answer. Very often the Internet gives us great opportunities to change our own Destiny, we just need to change it correctly. So my profile appeared on this site in the dating section, which “did not survive” until the end of last year, like me and assumed: some people are active Seekers, and others are passive, which is what I was. And then at one moment they found me, Lena... On December 1, 2009, I saw Her city for the first time, and before. At that moment there were more than 600 letters by E-mail, then communication on a mobile phone for 6-10 hours in a row, and sometimes until early dawn, and I felt how my lousy life was filled with meaning and light... Lena: We really met on website - i.ua. Suddenly I just looked into Denis’s eyes and realized that he would very soon become my husband. So, he entered the apartment as if it were his own home, put down bags of groceries, hugged him and said: “Well, here I am. and at home!" Does this happen? It happens. With us. And the carousel of life began... Denis, from the first day, six months before the registry office…11.04.09.
