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From the author: Becoming a good mother is a high calling, a wonderful goal. The best mothers are women who seek help and receive what they were not given in childhood... ... In fact, conceiving a child occurs much earlier, than is commonly believed when this is associated with intrauterine conception. First, the child appears in the thoughts of the expectant mother, since she, like no one else, is connected by strong spiritual ties with the unborn child. Therefore, if a woman has a desire to give birth and raise a healthy child, this upbringing should start off…. from the self-education of the future mother herself. Of course, it is of great importance how you were raised, in what environment you grew up, what values ​​were instilled in you. But what is even more important is whether you understand what responsible task of giving birth and raising a child you are taking upon yourself and what are you ready to do for this. When we are young, it seems to us that giving birth and raising a child is easy, natural and, in fact, everything will happen by itself - it will grow. But this is one of the biggest misconceptions, in my opinion. I think , that for a woman Motherhood is the most important step in life, it is much more important than career and success, since it depends only on you how the future person will grow up. When planning to become a Mother, ask yourself the following questions: If a situation happens in my life that I will have to stay alone, will I be able to raise a child alone? Am I ready to give up hobbies that are harmful to me and the unborn child, be it smoking, alcohol, drugs, chaotic sex life, etc.? What am I ready to do to ensure that my child is born healthy ?Will I be able to fully devote my time to my baby? Am I ready to give my baby love and tenderness? Do I really want to have a child? Am I ready to mentally invest in the process of raising a child, and not put it on the shoulders of grandparents? You answered these questions without hesitation “Yes” - then you are ready for Motherhood and accept full responsibility for this step. If you hesitate, do not rush to make a decision. Maybe your time has simply not come yet. It was no coincidence that I asked you these questions: we have too many unhappy children and, as a result, unhappy adults. Children who have received little or no warmth from their mother or a substitute adult grow up flawed and insecure people in themselves. Motherhood is Great Happiness. Being a Mother is a Great task and responsibility, and you have everything in you to cope with this role with honor. You just need to help yourself discover your abilities and possibilities, learn to listen to the voice of inner wisdom. The result of activity and selfless Love for a child will be his full and healthy life, his Love for you and a continuous spiritual connection filled with Respect, Tenderness and Warmth. More to read: You know are you your children? To parents: set a goal to raise healthy children.Share on vk
