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How do you feel about your desires? Strange question, isn't it? The first answer that comes to mind is: “Positive.” However, in reality, this is not always the case. The point here is that our desires and, accordingly, their implementation directly depend on how much we believe in ourselves. It often happens that we compare ourselves with other people by their results and this comparison is not in our favor. That is, everything is not as good with us as with our neighbor, which means it’s bad. And first of all, And the race begins for the success of that neighbor, so that it will be like his. At the same time, it often goes unnoticed that you and your neighbor are different people. And what is good for him will not necessarily be acceptable for you. However, calls for successful success are heard from all irons. This means that our desires are the first to be questioned. After all, this successful success presupposes completely different desires. And people begin to literally replace their own, native desires with those of others. And then there is the ubiquitous advertising that teaches how to live and, what is most valuable. What you must definitely want. But, as a rule, even if you achieve such goals, happiness no longer becomes. And there is also a lack of self-confidence. After all, so much effort and time have been spent, but the result is not pleasing. And we begin to doubt ourselves, and not what we wanted. Other people's desires, especially if they are actively imposed, even with all the seductiveness of the result, do not bring satisfaction. On the grounds that they are strangers, not yours. And it turns out that you don’t feel happiness, which means you stop believing that you can become happy. And naturally you stop believing yourself. And you don’t always achieve “other people’s” desires. After all, this is often an ideal that, by definition, is unattainable. But the main thing is that when it doesn’t work out, you start to consider yourself worse than everyone else. Remember, “Well, what kind of man are you if you can’t do this?” (to achieve the ideal). The answer is simple: “Yes, none.” And naturally, self-confidence disappears. Meanwhile, when your self-confidence is at the proper level, you can quite clearly distinguish which desires are truly yours and which are not. The realization or fulfillment of your desires will always strengthen your faith in yourself and in your power, from the word I can. And if I can, then I will. If your insecurities are preventing you from being happy, try to sort out your desires. Ask yourself questions about your desires, is this what you really want or is it someone else’s desire. Your psychologist Anton Chernykh.
