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From the author: In addition to all other “disadvantages,” being a professional psychologist, I have been working as a teacher of additional education for many years. On the one hand, I help growing citizens at state expense with all available means, and on the other hand, I learn from them, try to keep abreast of technical innovations and trends in modern youth subculture. This year I was visited by a new idea, which was embodied in the general education program. From September 2015 I will start experimenting! And here I want to share an idea - maybe it will come in handy! Education is designed to prepare a child for life in conditions of uncertainty and high rates of development, that is, for life in a world about which the teacher himself (often mature or even elderly) does not have a clear idea. Therefore, today it is important not so much to give students knowledge, skills and abilities, but to create conditions that will give each of them the opportunity to understand, express and realize themselves. Today it is so important to give learning a personal meaning, to provide internal motivation for learning and development, to provide the child with “tools” » study and transformation of one’s own personality and environment, provide the opportunity to choose and attribute responsibility for the decisions chosen by the child. It was these guidelines that were the priority when developing the “Psychology of Success” program. The goal of the program: to create conditions for individual personal development, increasing the level of social adaptation and self-realization of students based on applied psychological knowledge. The target group of this program is high school students aged 14 to 17 years, regardless of gender, social status, level of social adaptation and initial level of psychological knowledge and skills. To develop internal motivation for learning, it is important, together with the student, to find and identify a real problem, familiar and significant for the child, for the solution of which he needs to use the knowledge acquired during the learning process. The author’s experience shows that not all students who choose to study psychology assume in further obtain the profession of psychologist. The overwhelming majority show interest, first of all, in applied psychological knowledge, assuming that it will help them resolve certain current personal or interpersonal problems, will allow them to successfully build relationships in the future and achieve the desired results. Therefore, the idea arose - to provide every child with the opportunity to within the framework of this program, develop and implement a long-term individual self-made project (self-development, self-improvement, self-correction project), aimed at solving his personal psychological or social problem (for example, overcoming shyness, developing social perception skills, resolving a conflict with parents or a teacher, increasing the level of erudition , making a professional choice, increasing the level of communicative competence, etc.). The depth, level and content of the problem (or problems), the purpose and duration of the implementation of a long-term project (or several mini-projects) are determined by the student himself after familiarizing himself with the proposed topic of study, the methodology of goal setting and change management, coaching sessions and consultation with the teacher. Search and analysis of necessary or missing information, planning of effective actions to achieve the goal of the project, implementation of the plan and reflection at each stage of this implementation occurs in collaboration and co-creation with the teacher, both in person (during group classes and individual consultations) and in correspondence ( communication using Internet resources: Skype, social networks, e-mail, etc.). Maintaining the child’s interest level, creating a situation of success for him, psychological and pedagogical support and support throughout the training are necessary conditions for obtaining real significant results of implementation individual self-made project. In addition, psychological education
