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The child has grown up and is going to school. For many families, this becomes a period of crisis. It is difficult for both the child and his parents. Today's first-graders often face a lot of stress when entering school: a strict division of the day into lessons / breaks, discipline requirements, relationships with the teacher and classmates, assessment of knowledge and skills, difficulties with attention, predominance of gaming interest over educational. All this fills the life of a first-grader with new impressions and creates a new reality. On the other hand, the beginning of school life is a kind of exam for parents. Preparing a child for school is not just taking him to pre-school preparation courses. Readiness for school is the result of the previous seven years of life. Here are a number of questions that every parent should not only ask himself, but also find the right answers: – Is the child healthy and physically strong enough to cope with the school load? – Has he played enough role-playing games to be able to successfully build social interactions now? – Is the child able to accept and follow rules? – Have we made sure that the teacher, whose personality will be reflected throughout the child’s life, is a person who can be trusted? – Have you nourished him with your care, love and acceptance so much that possible conflicts at school will strengthen him and not break him? School, like a litmus test, reveals the results of parental work. Some parents perceive a child's failure at school as their own defeat, as a disgrace to the family. Parents may experience feelings of guilt and shame, which return to the child in the form of dissatisfaction, irritability and anger. Such a child psychologically finds himself in a very difficult situation. It is especially dangerous if the family does not have its own internal rules, but attaches external social rules to itself: the school and parents unite into a coalition, and the child is left alone with the feeling of being wrong. In such a family, the teacher is always right, an adult cannot be criticized, received two - it's your own fault. Parents do not instill faith in the child’s strength, but only increase the burden of failure. The price for this is the end of cognitive activity. A first-grader child does not become an adult only in connection with a new status. He still needs time to play, go for walks, be pampered, or be alone. He also needs the supportive and protective role of his parents and the understanding that his school problems will not go unattended. Here are some recommendations for parents. The best thing parents can do for a child is to be on the same side. The child goes to school in order to decide there your tasks. A teacher is waiting for him there and must do his job. And the role of parents is to be a reliable support for the child, who provides him with opportunities to solve his problems. And only if everyone remains in their “workplace” is harmonious development and real learning possible. It is important to share responsibility for learning between school and family. In this sense, the child’s responsibility is the result of his educational activities. I learned, I tried, and it’s an excellent result. If you were lazy, did it carelessly, you will get a reprimand. Be there when things don't work out. Do not for him, but with him. What a child can do today with an adult, tomorrow he can do independently. For parents, in turn, it is important to understand that a child can be more successful in some ways and less successful in others. Adults are able to correct some things, for example, by providing him with a clear rhythm of the day, sufficient, healthy sleep and quality nutrition. Something is its peculiarity that just needs to be taken into account. It is important to maintain a keen interest in learning during the first year of study and not overload the child with excessive demands. School is a place for gaining knowledge, and not for demonstrating one’s superiority. This is not a battlefield for grades and teacher attention. This is a journey into the world of knowledge,.
