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The basic goal of education is the development of a healthy, viable personality, taking into account individual characteristics and abilities. The relevance and significance of this topic is due to the deterioration of the environmental situation, the increased level of morbidity in children, and the decrease in the level of stress resistance of the individual. Statistics show that today the number of children with an unfavorable psychoneurological status is growing: the consequences of perinatal damage to the central nervous system in the form of minimal brain dysfunction, hydrocephalic syndrome , attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, etc. The most common are deviations from the ENT organs, gastrointestinal tract, and allergic manifestations. It is for this reason that great attention must be paid to the problem of the physical and mental health of children. In order to prevent the adverse consequences of neurosis-like conditions and conflicts, as well as more successful social adaptation of the child to school, psychological and pedagogical support of the individual has become extremely necessary. As a health-saving technology in social work -psychological services in general education organizations need to systematically introduce methods of reducing mental stress, increasing the level of stress resistance, and resolving internal and external conflicts. In the work of the psychological and pedagogical service, methods such as finger gymnastics have proven themselves; outdoor games; breathing exercises; relaxation techniques; psycho-gymnastics; exercise for the development of gross and fine motor skills, music therapy. This article presents some modern methods and techniques for reducing psycho-emotional stress in children. One of these techniques is “Foil massage” [2, p. 37]. The author of the technique is Elena Tararina, a famous art therapist and practicing psychologist. The purpose of this technique is to develop fine motor skills in children, reduce tension, develop emotional intelligence and stress resistance. The technique allows you to work and activate the internal muscles of the palm in children; increase your level of self-confidence; develop emotional contact and physically relax. You will need foil (30*30) as equipment. Age range from 1.5-2 years and older. Using the technique with children of primary school age has shown its accessibility and effectiveness. The stages of the technique consist of the following points: Take a piece of foil measuring 30x30 cm, crumple it and roll out the lump in your palms in the shape of a “bun” (ball). The ball should not be dense, but not soft. Roll the ball over your palms, taking each finger on an exciting journey of your “bun”. You can do this journey several times on each palm. Such a ball is good if the massage surface is not very large. For large surfaces, use an oblong cylinder, which also rolls from foil. The cylinder can be used to massage large surfaces - the arm, back, etc. During the massage process, it is good to communicate with the child - offer him a small story about the journey of a “bun” or a shiny “train” (cylinder). An emotional connection is established with the child, and the deep muscles of the child’s hand are activated. Conditions are created for the child’s positive self-acceptance and experience of social interaction. To unite a team of schoolchildren, you can use the “Drawing with a Ball” technique (author N. Ivasenko) [2, p. 49]. The purpose of the technique: team unity; formation of group work skills and creative self-expression of the individual. Equipment: balls of thread of 4-5 colors (the thread should be dense and bright, for example, acrylic). Time to work on the technique is 30-40 minutes. The age range for using the technique is from 6 years old. The work algorithm includes the following steps: it is necessary to divide the group into teams of 4-5 people (the number of balls - the number of people). Each team member is given a ball andIt is proposed to create a group drawing on the floor. Team members consider drawing options. There are rules: 1) you should start with the command “start”; 2) you need to draw in complete silence; 3) the thread cannot be torn off from the ball; 4) at the command of the leader, the participants change balls; 5) each of the participants, having received a new ball, continues the work of his friend; 6) the drawing should be completed with the “stop” command. It is much more effective to create a team in such a way that it includes people who communicate little with each other; the composition of the team can be changed as the drawing progresses. In this technique, it is not the result of the work that is important, but the process itself. After performing the technique, it is important to discuss the drawing process with children. In order to activate personal resources, the “Keep the Rhythm” technique from music therapy (modified by E. Tararina) is well suited [3, p. 97]. The technique allows you to develop group dynamics; develop a sense of rhythm, concentration on a specific action, help increase internal activity due to the pace of external actions; reduce the level of aggression and anxiety by rhythmizing actions; activate the interaction of the left and right hemispheres. Musical works are used as equipment (for example, Hans Zimmer - He's A Pirate, ethnic music of the peoples of the world. Working time from 15 - 20 minutes. Age range of use from 5 - 6 years and older. General rules of work : if you’ve lost the rhythm, pick a new one; if you’re tired of the rhythm, change it, tracking your feelings (then tell you about them); if you hear that your rhythm has been taken over by another, it doesn’t matter: knock together; if you like “someone else’s” rhythm, join in. Part one. Choose rhythm. Play it by clapping your hands, tapping on the table, clicking, etc. (show your imagination and individuality). If you are already accustomed to “Your” rhythm, try playing it in a different way or choose a new one. At the end of the musical passage “give feedback” (answer the questions asked of you). Part two. Choose a rhythm. Tap with your right hand (track the sensations). Repeat the same rhythm with your left hand (track the sensations). Beat out the same rhythm with both hands. Try tapping at two tempos ( This task is more likely for professionals). At the end of the musical passage, “give feedback” by answering the questions: How quickly did you find “your” rhythm? What method of playing the rhythm did you choose? When choosing a new rhythm, did you pick up someone else’s or look for something new? How long? times did you change the sound being reproduced? What sensations arose when changing the “leading” hand, when working with both hands? Did you pay attention to the other participants? Music therapy is the most ancient and natural form of correction of emotional states, which many people consciously or unconsciously use to relieve accumulated mental and psychophysiological stress, calm down, concentrate. In combination with rhythm therapy, great results can be achieved. This exercise, as a variant of group rhythm therapy, can also perform a diagnostic task (depending on the order and nature of the choice of “their” rhythms by various group members). A well-proven method is neurography. It uses simple drawing techniques that anyone at any age can master. According to the developer of the method, P. Piskarev, our world consists of shapes (circle, triangle, square) and lines. In this case, we are talking about a neurographic line, which does not repeat itself at every part of its movement. To use this method, a person needs paper, felt-tip pens or pencils. The basic neurographic algorithm consists of 6 stages. Stage 1 consists of spilling out your feelings on paper. Before starting this procedure, a person needs to concentrate on the question or problem. Tension is the degree of our experience regarding some problem. Neurography allows you to cope with stress by expressing it on paper. Stage 2 includes the drawing procedure itself, when a person puts a pen on paper and begins to reproducechaotic lines on a sheet. Here the voltage is transferred to the paper sheet. Moreover, the more intersections and angles there are, the more acute the problem experienced by a person. Stage 3 is that a person needs to round all the corners that are on the sheet. At this stage, a person begins to recognize himself as working at the level of his individual unconscious. It is worth remembering that this process changes the emotional and physical state of a person. Resistance that appears at the moment must be consciously accepted, but under no circumstances stop at this stage. The goal of this stage is that the figure should become homogeneous. Stage 4 involves unification, when the figure is included in the background. To do this, it is necessary to draw neurographic lines across the entire sheet. At this moment, a person works with the collective unconscious, with the recognition of the world. The area of ​​the sheet is understood as the world around a person; the figure is the person himself. The goal is to dissolve the figure into the background and equate the tension within and around the figure. Next, the person outlines the shape with color and combines the parts into new groups. At this stage, you can add more lines of additional colors. After applying the color, you need to add contrast with black lines. Step 5 involves drawing field lines that run throughout the entire sheet. These lines go in one direction without crossing. This level is called the level of “self” - the stage of synchronicity with the Universe. Stage 6 - includes the verbalization of what is happening and the result. The person should like the finished drawing. Neurography is used quite widely both as a method of self-regulation and relaxation, and in resolving intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts. Thanks to this method, a person gains access to the elaboration of his inner experiences. In our work, we often use the method of plasticine therapy. The main goal of using plasticine therapy is to harmonize a person’s internal state, restore his ability to find an optimal state of balance that promotes the continuation of life. This type of therapy belongs to art therapeutic methods of work and involves modeling not only with colored plasticine, but also salt dough, clay and etc. According to scientists and practicing psychologists, art therapy techniques can transform a person’s internal conflicts into visual forms, which contributes to their effective resolution (A. Hill, Z. Freud, K.G. Jung, K. Rogers, A.H. Maslow, M. Namburg and many others). Among the advantages of plasticine therapy, the following should be highlighted: effective solution of psychological problems; psychological diagnosis of the client; the ability to dissociate from a problem and see it from the other side and others [1, p. 31]. The method allows you to actualize the problem, work not only with the client’s emotions and feelings, but also work through deep-seated psychological trauma. A significant advantage of plasticine is its ability to relieve client resistance. Despite the fact that there is a stereotype about using plasticine with adults, this method is great for all age groups of clients. Moreover, working with plasticine is possible both individually and in pairs and groups. It is worth remembering that the product obtained during plasticine therapy is perceived by a psychologist without evaluation and is interpreted only by the client. Plasticine is a unique material, it can be used in combination with other methods psychocorrection and psychotherapy. For example, its use enhances the effectiveness of sand therapy, fairy tale therapy, mandala therapy, mask therapy and others. There are a huge variety of psychotechniques using plasticine, clay, dough: “The most beautiful flower in the world”, “Jug and sword”, “Plasticine composition”, “ Totemic progenitor”, “Creating an image of your face when working with clay”, “A man with character” and others. Working with plasticine helps relieve muscle tension, motor and emotional.
