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STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION “NURSERY-GARDEN No. 397, MINSK” Compiled by: teacher-psychologist of the first qualification category Karol Yulia Ivanovna, NOTES OF THE OPEN CLASS “PADS ON THE SAND” (material from work experience) Goal: development of the emotional-volitional sphere of pupils of senior preschool age through the use of sand therapy. Objectives: - create the most calm and friendly atmosphere for free communication, play and imagination, open expression of your feelings, a rich emotional world; - introduce the sandbox; - develop communication techniques; - teach to distinguish between basic emotions and states;- consolidate knowledge and understanding of the emotion “joy”; - actualize the desire for the ability to regulate mood: improve the mood of oneself and others; - help relieve emotional and muscle tension, harmonize the internal state and obtain a positive effect from the activities of pupils. Material: sandbox, sushi sticks, decorative material in plastic containers (various beads, glass balls, beans, shells, buttons, feathers, coins), an audio recording of meditative music, a set of color photos of children with various emotions, balloons with pictograms of emotions, a form for children’s answers “I am happy when...” , a candle in a safe candlestick, large natural paint brushes, a spray bottle, a container of water, a towel, a blanket. Lesson progress 1. GreetingThe psychologist invites the children to greet each other by passing a lit candle around. Psychologist: Guys, I have a lit candle in my hands. Look at it, notice how the flame sways. Now we will pass it around, try to feel its warmth. Pass it carefully, slowly, and a piece of its warmth will remain with you.2. Exercise “Getting to know the sandbox” Psychologist: Guys, today we will get acquainted with the amazing fairy-tale land of Sand and extraordinary sensations. The sand country is here - in this sandbox, / The psychologist points with his hand to the sandbox standing on the table, takes off the blanket / Psychologist: In order to get acquainted with this amazing country of Sand, let's sit back, relax. We lower our palms deep, deep into the sand, close our eyes, and listen to your feelings / 5-10 seconds. You can be silent. Psychologist: Now, guys, you can open your eyes. Do you think the sand felt the warmth of your hands? How did you feel? Children: children’s answers. Psychologist: Let’s mix it up. Rub it between your palms, pour it from hand to hand, touch its grains. What does it feel like? Children: soft, cold, etc. Psychologist: Do you like what you feel? Children: Yes! Psychologist: Then now let's play with it. 3. Exercise “Playing with palms” Psychologist: Bury your palms in the sand and let’s raise our index fingers on both hands, move them, say hello with your fingers. Now move your thumbs, index fingers, middle fingers, ring fingers and little fingers./The exercise is done with each finger separately with both hands at the same time. During the game, children's attention is drawn to the fact that only those fingers that are called “work” on the surface of the sand, the rest of the hand should be completely immersed in the sand / Psychologist: The game is over. Now take your hands out and place them on the sand. I want to tell you guys one secret: with the help of sand, our palms can turn into various objects. Don't believe me? But let's try!4. Game complex of finger games “Rakes” / They put “rakes on the sand” / Leaves are falling in the garden, I rake them. / Children, with their fingers spread out and slightly bent, row along», 2007.
