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Final part.1. Rules for transfer of responsibility2. Why is it so difficult to transfer responsibility to a child? The process of transferring responsibility is not as simple and not as fast as parents would like. It should start with a preliminary conversation, in which you should kindly and calmly tell the child what responsibility is, why it is needed, give examples from your personal experience. It is better to start practicing with little things that are pleasant and interesting to the child in order to consolidate the effect of receiving joy from a sense of personal responsibility. At this stage, we include more complex aspects that may possibly give a negative result, which is very useful. The child also needs a negative experience (we remember the primacy of the safety of the child’s health and life) of his actions or inactions, otherwise his experience of responsibility will be refined and may end after the first failure, for which he is not ready. Then we allow the child to help us in our affairs. It is not so easy to delegate some of the tasks to a child; you will need maximum love, acceptance, understanding and trust in your child. This is, first of all, your internal work as a parent. When there are first results, we move on to the next point - drawing up a plan for transferring responsibility. It makes sense to start by writing down a list of things that the child will do independently, and you will only help and control, and a list of things you can do together. You can arrange this in the form of a table. And only then can you formalize the territory of the child’s full responsibility for anything. A mandatory point for all stages of the transfer of responsibility is regular discussion of current results. You can make this a Saturday morning ritual when you begin to summarize the week. During the conversation, think together about what worked and what didn’t, find out why, whether you need help or advice. Listen carefully to the child’s opinion. You will be surprised, but children often make very practical and wise comments. However, even if his ideas do not sparkle with originality, try to implement them so that the child feels the “taste of responsibility.” Now I would like to pay attention to the issue of transferring responsibility for completing homework assignments. Most often, a child refuses to complete homework on his own because he does not know how to break down a task into small sequential actions, control the process of their implementation, evaluate the result obtained and correct it if necessary. These are necessary skills, both in academic and in any other activity. This is what you have to teach your child. Children really like rituals, so doing homework can be framed as a ritual. First of all, we put things in order in the student’s workplace. It is necessary to check whether everything is available to complete homework, whether writing instruments and textbooks are conveniently located at the workplace, whether the table is properly lit. Now open the diary and classify the tasks according to the principles: • simple and complex; • written and oral; • favorite and Least favorites. No need to start with the most difficult task. Since difficult things sometimes take a lot of time, something doesn’t work out, the child feels a failure, and he loses the desire to work further. It’s worth starting your homework with your favorite subject – with something that you’ll definitely succeed in. You may also find the following lesson plan helpful:1. Write down everything that needs to be done, point by point, or check that it has already been written down (in this case, at first, let the child say out loud the entire plan of what needs to be done). The main thing is that there should be a list before your eyes with all the work that needs to be done. When a child does not understand how much needs to be done today, he becomes inattentive and anxious. 2. Proceed with task number 1 or another of the child’s choice. There are children, just like adults, who want to do the easiest thing first.!
