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Sigmund Freud is a famous Austrian psychologist and founder of psychoanalysis. His theories about the unconscious, sexuality, and defense mechanisms have become classics in the field of psychology. But few people know that Freud was also known for his love of cocaine. Freud began using cocaine in 1884, when he was 28 years old. He used it to treat his patients for depression, headaches and other ailments. Cocaine was widespread in those days and was considered a miracle cure. Freud was confident that cocaine would help him in his work and even wrote an article entitled “The Use of Cocaine.” However, over time, Freud began to become increasingly dependent on cocaine. He admitted that he felt more energetic and productive after using cocaine, but also began to notice that his personality was changing. He became more aggressive and irritable, and had trouble falling asleep. In 1895, Freud was hospitalized with a serious infection and had to stop using cocaine. He described his experience in letters to his friends and colleagues, where he admitted that cocaine was not only a medicine for him, but also “a great consolation.” He also noted that after stopping cocaine use, his work became less productive and that he experienced a sense of loss. Freud eventually realized that his cocaine addiction was interfering with his work and life. He decided to stop using cocaine and even wrote an article called "Cocaine and Its Superiority to Morphine" in which he urged people not to use cocaine. Conclusion Sigmund Freud was one of the many people of his time who used cocaine. He used it to treat his patients, but over time he became dependent on it. Freud realized that his addiction was interfering with his work and life and decided to stop using cocaine. His experience shows that even brilliant people can become victims of addiction and that it is important to take care of your health and avoid bad habits. Sincerely, your psychologist, addictologist (addiction specialist), Vyacheslav Vasiliev. Phone 8(960)087-03-03 (WhatsApp, telegram: addiktolog).
