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Frustrated relationship with her son, broken families, broken hearts... Mothers-in-law are often accused of many sins, sometimes even those in which they are not involved at all.... Many people suffer: the son, his wife, often his children, the mother-in-law herself... Recently, on one of the forums, the confession of one mother of an adult son, who is experiencing a crisis relationship in her family, was discussed. I was hooked by the story. Besides, I am a mother-in-law myself... I am glad to welcome you, dear readers! I wanted to discuss this topic with you, dear readers. Join if the topic is close to you. The son of this woman, who shared her pain on the forum, met a student girl Nastya (that’s what we’ll call her) and brought her to their family, where he lived with his mother and two schoolgirl sisters. Mom didn't mind. The largest room was given to a young couple.🔻Mom was friendly. But soon tension arose in the family: the mother caught Nastya’s increasingly unkind glances in her direction, the son became thoughtful, sad, and nervous. A compulsion appeared in the relationship, which was not “smelled” before... What’s the matter? The mother tried to get her son to be frank: tell me what went wrong. But the son remained silent and looked at his mother guiltily. And one day, returning home “at the wrong time,” the mother heard a conversation that plunged her into shock. It turns out that Nastya reproached her son for “allowing me, his mother, to rob him and his family!” The mother heard that she was “pulling” money from her son, forcing him to “betray” himself and his sisters, that she was a bad mother who loved only her daughters, and treated her son in a consumerist way...Nastya inspired this woman’s son: “She doesn’t love you, and your children will never be loved. Therefore, you need to take a firm position: this is no longer your family, and let their family live as they want and not lay claim to our money..." Poor woman! Yes, the son helped his mother with money, because at the age of 16 he lost his father in an accident, and his mother lost her husband. My father was very hardworking and kind, he loved his family very much and did everything so that his loved ones would not need anything. But after the disaster, the family was left without a breadwinner. The state helped a mother with many children who became a single mother, but this was not always enough. Therefore, my mother left an interesting job and moved to a place where she had to work a lot, but they paid well. Mom forgot about her personal life and her interests. I tried very hard to raise my children and give them a good education. After school, my son went to study at a university on a paid basis, then for excellent studies he was transferred to a free department. He earned extra money, working “for his reputation” for little money. But after college, he immediately got a good job and a year later received a promotion. Isn’t this the merit of his mother? She didn’t want to take his money, but he insisted. Because he loves his mother, his sisters... Because they had a friendly, reliable family... Before Nastya appeared! The mother could not stand it and entered her son’s room with his young wife. She said that she heard everything and now can’t imagine how it’s possible to continue living in the same territory with a girl who considers her her enemy. The son and the girl moved to a rented apartment. After a month and a half, the son returned home.🔻 Mom doesn’t hide: she’s glad he’s back. And she doesn’t think that she ruined her son’s happiness. Is it happiness to have such a wife? And the mother did not notice the ardent love for her son on the part of this girl.🔻Where do such girls come from who live dependent on a guy, but consider the money he earns their own? Setting up their man against his relatives who accepted her and warmed her up? I support the mother's position. Maybe because it’s the mother-in-law herself? What do you think, dear readers? Your opinion is very interesting. I will be very grateful for your responses, I look forward to them with special interest. Thank you for “listening”, I hope you understood...Maybe you will be interested in another story of another mother: she is here .
