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From the author: If you don’t sin, you won’t repent. Have you ever seen your “ex”? Of course it happened. If not in real life, then in works of literature and cinema. Former sinners, former “priestesses of love,” former smokers. Some of them are distinguished by a certain feature of their current behavior - they actively, I would even say, aggressively stigmatize what they were so passionately committed to in the past. There are several people around me who have quit smoking. It's amazing how a couple of them are now branding smokers! Literally, “they tie their hands” and even humiliate them. Their behavior differs from the behavior of an initially non-smoker, who “doesn’t give a damn” whether someone else smokes or not, if the smoke does not bother him personally at the moment. He is more lenient, if not to say indifferent, to the vices of another person. About indifference. Everyone knows the hackneyed phrase that “from love to hate there is one step.” And every masochist will assure you that long suffering develops into pleasure. And people who are freezing from the cold, after the limiting point, feel warmth and fall asleep in bliss, sometimes to death. What these phenomena have in common is that at their limiting point, they turn into their opposite. This feature is well illustrated by a pendulum or swing. Extreme deviation initiates a movement in the other direction. The same phenomenon is illustrated by the Followers of Christ, who abandoned sin and came to faith after a “turbulent youth.” After all, even in the relevant literature, the most terrible sinners are relished, who subsequently repented. How do some repentant sinners behave in life? They, like some former smokers, see evil everywhere. And they try to guide those who have not yet known repentance on the right path. I write some because, of course, not everyone does this. Others give the rest of humanity a chance to make their own decisions. Rather, there is a projection mechanism at work here. They see their hidden, retracted, hidden from consciousness desires in the fulfillment of other people. After all, we see in others only what is in ourselves and what affects us psychologically. It's catchy. Those who allow other people to be what they want do not have conflict in their souls. The transition of a phenomenon into its opposite is called the term “enantiodromia”. Enantiodromia (conversion to the opposite) is a special psychological law, which was first described by Heraclitus, and means that everything that exists, sooner or later inevitably turns into its opposite. K.G. Jung believed that “this norm covers all circles in the life of nature, both the smallest and the largest.” Through enantiodromia, Jung designated “the manifestation of the unconscious opposite” to what is expressed in the positions occupied by consciousness. If consciousness is occupied by an extreme, one-sided tendency, then after some time an equally strong opposite position appears in the psyche. At first, this will manifest itself in interference with the activity of consciousness, and then in fettering and depriving the sphere of the Self of the ability to exercise control. The law of enantiodromia underlies the principle of compensation. Speaking about enantiodromia in nature, we can recall an elementary thing - the change of day and night. “The darkest hour is before the dawn,” say philosophers, meaning both the laws of nature and the laws of the human psyche. We recently celebrated Christmas when, at the darkest and coldest point of the year, the pendulum of the cycle froze for three days, and then began to move in the opposite direction. The sun is for summer, winter is for frost. The concentration of mental life on one side of existence, in its extreme manifestation, very strongly suppresses the other side. A woman humbled and humiliated by the beatings and bullying of her husband can in one moment turn from a victim into a cruel executioner, when the contents of her unconscious break out, when the “pendulum” reaches its extreme point of deviation. Prim gentlemen guarding the law (which, of course, we We see it in movies, but in reality it’s rare.
