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In my articles, I often describe exercises and recommendations for working with a goal and everything connected with it - motivation, correct goal setting, working with obstacles, etc. Many exercises are aimed at analysis, planning, etc., in general, more at the work of the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for logic, speech, and drawing up a plan. But it is also important to use the right hemisphere: creativity, intuition, creativity. Therefore, when working with a goal, I also use art therapy methods, that is, working through a creative approach. In this exercise we will draw a “Map of the Inner Country”. While drawing, you don’t need to analyze anything; on the contrary, let yourself go and trust your feelings, this will be the most correct thing. Take a sheet of paper and colored pencils and place it in front of you. And before we get started, let's get ready a little. Close your eyes, relax, breathe calmly and deeply, feel yourself here and now, your body, emotions and sensations. Stay in this state for some time, observe yourself. When you feel that you are in the mood, open your eyes and start drawing. Take a pencil of any color you want and mark, draw the borders of your internal country on a piece of paper. This is done absolutely in any form, as you feel, as you want, do it. Next, draw the relief, that is, the surface and terrain of the map of your internal country, also in any form and in any colors. Anything can be depicted there, it all depends on your imagination. Or perhaps you will draw something you don’t understand, and this may happen. At this stage, you follow your feelings, expressing them in any way on paper. Example “Map of an Inland Country” At the next stage, we will give names to places on the map based on our associations. These names are not ordinary, but reflect something connected with your inner world. For example, it could be a “swamp of doubts”, “forest of fear”, “alley of love”, “lake of hope”, etc., each has something of its own, its own associations and names. When the map is drawn, the area is signed, everything is done . Place your goal somewhere on the map, indicated by a flag or in any other way. You also place your goal on the map arbitrarily, intuitively. Now mark the entrance to your map - this is the beginning of the path to the goal. Next, from the entrance, use a dotted line to pave the way to the goal. It can be straight, or it can be winding and go through the entire map. Everyone will have their own path. Now on your way to the goal you need to place and mark milestones. How many there will be and where, it’s up to you to decide. Each milestone, as it were, symbolizes the end and beginning of some stage of the journey and breaks it into time intervals. Milestone Next, on a piece of paper in the form of a story, we describe our path to the goal, which we drew with a dotted line. It might look something like this: “I start my journey in the desert of doubt, there I am this and that. Then I go to the stream of hope, etc.” In the story, be sure to include points about milestones and transitional stages of the path. Try to understand how your story relates to reality. What helps you and what hinders you on the way to your goal? What life stages do mileposts symbolize? Where and what are your strengths, what in your life can you rely on to achieve your goal? What is important to pay attention to? What general conclusions did you draw from the exercise, what insights did you get? Share your results, your maps, your creativity in the comments. This will be very interesting to read and watch. For further work with the Goal, you will need the exercises from my articles: “Planning a Goal and Searching for Opportunities” and “Algorithm for Achieving a Goal. Advice from a Psychologist. Part 1.” Sincerely, Papkova Marina Aleksandrovna – clinical psychologist. You can make an appointment by sending a message via messenger by phone. 8-953-465-87-35Video lesson "PSYCHOTHERAPY. SELF-ASSESSMENT. RESOURCES. WORKING WITH NEGATIVE QUALITIES" Methodology that.
