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Very often, as a result of experiencing traumatic events, we seem to stop feeling. This is how psychological defenses are triggered so that we can move on with our lives, so that we don’t go crazy from pain. At this moment, these psychological defenses are vital to us. But time passes, the pain subsides, the intensity of the experience decreases, but the ability to feel does not return on its own. If this continues for a long enough period, then all the feelings locked inside begin to break out in the form of symptoms of various diseases and greatly worsen the quality of life. To regain your sensitivity, it is important to live through those feelings that are locked inside you. There are different approaches to psychotherapy that allow you to restore access to these feelings. And one of them is to go through bodily sensations. Gestalt therapy suggests the following exercise: Close your eyes and focus on your jaw. Is she relaxed or tense at the moment? Focus on your jaw as if it is the center of your entire face and neck. All other parts are its additions. (The jaw is the figure, the rest of the body is the background.) Now turn your attention to the buttock area. Can you feel them? Do they touch the surface if you sit or lie down? Do you feel the edge where they touch? How comfortable are you in your position? In the same way, shift your attention from one part of the body to another and ask these questions. This will allow you to “scan” your body and detect tension where you had not noticed before. In this way, you restore contact with your sensations. If you cannot fall asleep for a long time, scan your body, identifying and relaxing areas of tension. By the way, most sleep meditations are based on this. By feeling tension and relaxing it in specific areas of the body, you transform unconscious processes into conscious ones. Allow yourself to feel tired. You allow her to be. Allow yourself to fall asleep. All the emotions we experience are manifested by sensations in the body. Each emotion has its own set of bodily sensations. By becoming aware of your sensations, you are getting closer to being aware of your emotions. Remember the common expressions: “Flush with anger” “Numb with horror” “Fists itching” “Trembling with excitement” “Lump in throat from tears” “Head pounding from thoughts” Etc. We are not aware of most bodily reactions, just as we are not aware of what we feel. By returning ourselves to contact with bodily sensations, we return contact to feelings.
