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“- What did you feel at that moment?...- I don’t know, I don’t remember...- How did you feel about what happened to you? “No way, I don’t remember...” We could go on and on, but even so it becomes clear that the person answering doesn’t remember and perhaps doesn’t want to remember some traumatic events that his brain “marked” there and then as life-threatening and sent to the most secluded corner of the unconscious. However, if here and now a person is experiencing life difficulties associated precisely with this traumatic event, most likely the time has come to release these suppressed emotions, unlived feelings and bodily blocks. And in order to transfer amnesic emotions and feelings from the unconscious to the conscious, art therapy techniques come to our aid. When we talk about traumatic events in a person’s life, we understand that work in this direction should be as careful and supportive as possible. If a person is depressed or currently does not have the resources for in-depth therapeutic work with a painful event, the first stage of work will be his psychological and physical stabilization, creating a safe environment, mastering the simplest methods of self-regulation and finding new ways of communication and self-expression. To process a traumatic memory, a person needs to be in a stable emotional state, in a state of resource and interest in their potential growth and development. “A traumatic memory is a memory of a traumatic situation that is firmly imprinted in the human psyche and causes post-traumatic stress disorder.” How safe it is. for a person’s mental and physical health to “neutralize” a traumatic memory? Today, one of the favorites in trauma therapy is art therapy. Even during the Second World War and in the post-war period, it was noticed that visual arts classes with combatants had a beneficial effect on their physical and emotional state. In recent decades, art therapy has been increasingly used when working with people who find themselves in difficult life situations experiencing severe stress, with adaptation disorders due to experienced mental trauma. How does the art therapy method work? The therapeutic effect of art therapy when experiencing a traumatic memory is due to the ability, through the metaphorical language of images, to carry out a symbolic transfer of content from the unconscious to the outside world, to objects and processes. That is, to go beyond old patterns of thinking and behavior. In this way, a sedative effect is achieved and the emotional stress regarding this event is reduced or completely removed. A brief example of the use of art therapy in the technique “My problem and ways to overcome it” Initially, the picture depicted an explosion. Then, during the work process, the image was transformed into space planets. Stages of work. We ask the person to express their feelings and problems regarding the traumatic event in visual form. Then, once the drawing is ready, please describe it in as much detail as possible: What is shown here? Does it have a name/title? When did this appear? How? How do you feel about him? What does/doesn’t he do for you? etc. Next, after the dialogue, we ask you to supplement the drawing with personal resource symbols of support that could weaken the negative manifestation. After the drawing has changed, you can begin the dialogue again: What is shown here now? What's new? What's in it for you? etc. I sincerely hope that the article was useful to you. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!
