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From the author: A study was conducted of the influence of communication with healthy peers on children with autistic disorders. Analysis of the stay of a child with autism in a group of healthy peers. A study of the factor of being in a group of healthy peers showed that out of 101 patients included in the study, 51 people (50.4%) had regular and long-term (more than five years) communication with healthy peers. Among them, positive dynamics were noted in 28 patients, negative in 23. In order to identify the optimal environment for the formation of positive dynamics, the psychological situation in children's groups in which the patients were located was studied. The signs of a favorable psychological environment in a team included the following: the team is under sufficient control of a well-meaning adult, children are friendly towards each other, and are tolerant of the shortcomings and characteristics of others. Children have common interests and hobbies; they regularly make attempts to communicate with the patient and involve him in joint activities. In such a group, the child does not experience tension associated with the danger from the aggressive behavior of other children, and feels control and protection from an adult. The psychological climate in the children's group was characterized as unfavorable by such signs as being under the control of an unfriendly adult or insufficient control of an adult, aggression of children against each other to a friend or to a sick child, his being in the position of an “outcast”, the detachment of the children’s team from the patient. Table 30 Correlation of the dynamics of autism spectrum disorders with the psychological situation in a group of healthy peers (absolute and % indicators) DynamicsBenefit. psycho. environment unfavorable psycho. environmentPositive23(74.1%)5(25%)Negative8(25.8%)15(75%)Total31(100%)20(100%)
